The Keeper of the Stones - By M J Webb Page 0,110

rest. Most of them were completely exhausted, but everyone knew that their lives now depended on moving quickly away from Vantrax and his soldiers, and hopefully linking up with the rebel army at Soreen. They knew that the Northern Army of King Vantrax had just fought a major battle at Erriard forest to the north, but they had no idea how long that battle had lasted, the outcome, or how many of his forces the evil King had actually committed to battle. They had to assume that Vantrax had soldiers combing the countryside looking for them, and everyone knew that the penalty for escape in Vantrax’ Rhuaddan, was severe.

Queen Bressial and Lord Castrad had urged their group on as fast as they’d dared and by nightfall they had reached the trail that led through the P’tan Mountains. They’d made painfully slow progress from then on though, as the darkness and difficult terrain meant that the prisoners had to hold hands and walk in single file through the narrow pass, for fear of losing any of their number in the darkness, or over the edge of the nearby cliffs. They stopped for a brief rest almost hourly due to the arduous climb, though they all knew that they could hardly afford to do so, and by daybreak the weary column was through the mountains. Castrad breathed a huge sigh of relief as he gazed across the open fields and meadows below him. He could see no sign of the enemy, nor any evidence of pursuit. The exquisite countryside was scarred here and there by burnt-out or crumbling ruins, the scars of a war-ravaged land.

“Look cousin! There is the village of Lirtast. It is but a small dot on the horizon now, but by nightfall we shall be there. I am sure we will be able to find a real bed for you at last.” he said happily, turning to the Queen and pointing at a small spec in the distance.

Bressial laughed. “We are fine, Castrad. You do not need to worry yourself so. These long years of captivity have humbled my soul, a barn and some straw for a bed would seem like luxuries to me now. Craas, it is not pleasing to see how this landscape has changed. It pains mine eyes to see it. The war has wounded this beautiful land and it saddens me greatly. Look... Over there to the west is Estillar Castle, or what is left of it. We visited that place regularly once, my family and I. Long ago, in another lifetime. As a child I wandered its grounds. I was so happy there, when Vechtar reigned, and peace was taken for granted. They were good days my friend, we never knew how lucky we were, did we?” she asked sadly.

“You shall know peace again, cousin. I swear it!” replied Castrad earnestly. “You will know happier times. We all shall!”

Bressial looked him straight in the eye. She wore a faint look of surprise on her face. “Do you know, Castrad? I think, for the first time in years, I actually find myself daring to believe you. This boy, Jake, there is something about him. I cannot explain. They say he is ‘The Keeper’ I know, but... He is so young? It is strange to me how... Well, I do not know him. We have met only briefly, and yet… I know that I would follow him anywhereThat is not as it should be, Castrad. Is it? We are royalty.” she said, as if trying to reconcile her feelings.

“Yes cousin, I know exactly what you mean.” replied the warrior. “I too have had my doubts about these boys and what they can do. I share your concerns and...”

“No, Castrad!” interrupted the Queen. “You miss my point entirely. After all that has happened, all that I have been told has happened whilst I have been chained, after all the upheaval, the thing I find hardest to understand above all else, is that, I have no doubt. Not a single one! I should have. But I do not feel it. I know that it is I who should be leading this army, or Artrex at least. And yet we are both content to follow... A boy. Ra! These are strange times indeed, cousin. I only hope that this ‘boy’ justifies our faith in him!”

Castrad nodded his head in complete agreement. “Yes cousin, so do I.” he answered. “So do I.”

* * *

Onall and his group moved quickly away Copyright 2016 - 2024