The Keeper of the Stones - By M J Webb Page 0,105

by such tactics.

Zaknar eyed Sawdon up and down with a disapproving gaze. The Dzorag leader was one of the very few warriors who were not scared of the mighty Thargw, though this probably had more to do with his own ego and distinct lack of intelligence, rather than confidence in his own fighting abilities or prowess.

“Yes. As I have said, they destroyed the bridge. A clever move, we would have caught them before they reached T’Nesc if they had not done so. The King and the boy with him stayed until last, they could be seen on the far side of the river.” he stated.

“You do well to remember who it is you address! And to show me more respect, Dzorag! If you value your life.” growled Sawdon viciously, clearly angered by Zaknar’s looks and tone of voice.

Zaknar jumped back a little, startled by the sudden fury in Sawdon’s voice. He glanced questioningly toward Vantrax as the Thargw started moving toward him, the Dzorag raising his battleaxe in the same moment.

The wizard King lifted his hand instantly, stopping Sawdon in his tracks. “Say what you will, Zaknar!” ordered Vantrax firmly. “I will hear the truth. Speak your mind now, or hold your tongue forever.”

Zaknar lowered his axe and looked at each of them in turn. “I think you already know what I am going to say, King Vantrax.” he said insolently. “We missed a great opportunity today to end this war. It was not the enemy who defeated us here. We should have been sent into battle before we were. We are hunters, we could have taken that forest and we could have captured that brother of yours, if you had let us. You pay us well King, so we will accept your decisions, but my soldiers are not happy! And neither am I. That is all I have to say, it needed to be said.” he stated angrily.

Then he turned away and stormed off in the direction of his camp, before Vantrax or Sawdon could reply. Sawdon made to go after him, he was absolutely livid at the insolence and lack of respect shown by the hired warrior, but Vantrax halted him again.

“Let him go! He is right, Sawdon. Mistakes have been made that have cost us dear. You have to prove yourself all over again to this army. You have failed them today. And they will not easily forget it.” the King shouted.

Sawdon clenched his teeth and his fists. He’d never been so angry, every fibre of his body was seething with rage. He was humiliated and it was almost more than he could bear. But he knew that the reason he was so upset was because they were right. This had been one of the worst days of his life. He wasn’t used to failure, or defeat, in any way, shape or form. All he could think about now was getting even, redeeming himself in the eyes of his King and his soldiers.

‘Someone is going to pay! Someone has to die!’ he thought, ‘I have to fulfil my promises to my King! Kraar… But where do I begin? The rebels have fled and I cannot exact my revenge! Raaarrrgh!!! This is intolerable!!!’

Chapter 32

Nightfall 15th August – The Mine Raids


It was dark now at the great mine of Lidzenstor. The soldiers of Jake’s raiding force were lying concealed from the mine guards in the long grass of the hilltop that overlooked the mine itself. Jake had used the time he had at his disposal wisely, to identify the easiest and quickest routes down the hillside. He’d positioned his soldiers strategically so that they could strike at the key areas of the mines at the same time, as soon as he gave the order to attack. The slaves and prisoners had all been returned to their pits just before dusk, as per the usual routine, herded in like cattle and chained to fixed posts before being given just enough food and water to survive. The soldiers had then retired to the guardhouse which was next to the mine entrance, leaving only two guards watching over the slaves, all of this having been closely observed and monitored by the rebel soldiers high on the hillside above. This meant that they were now able to account for the whereabouts of all the enemy warriors at the mine.

Jake had positioned five of his most able rebels directly above the guardhouse and main entrance. They were all armed with swords and daggers, but Copyright 2016 - 2024