Keep Me (Rebel Hearts Heists #2) - M. Sinclair Page 0,79

shout out over the sound of the engine.

Royce offers a tense laugh but he knows I’m not joking. Because I’m fucking not. I increase the speed all the way, hoping it will be enough. I feel anxious but we’re growing closer and closer, which makes me feel far better. That’s until I catch sight of Sloane.

Her hands are tied behind her back as well as her feet, her mouth covered in tape. Her dress is torn and she’s passed out, her limp body completely in Pierce’s grasp. As if the bastard has drugged her. Every single detail earns Pierce Hunter another full minute of agony at my hands before I end his pathetic excuse of a life.

“Pierce!” I roar out as he snaps his head to the side. A large smile breaks over his face mixed with fury, his speed increasing but still matched to mine.

I call for Blaine to take over the engine and move to the side of the boat, readying to launch myself at the motherfucker. When the sound of a helicopter blasts in my ears, I look up letting out a, “Fuck,” as Pierce’s laugh fills the air.

Suddenly, he releases the gas as we spring forward. So I do the only thing I can do. Take the last chance we have. I sprint to the back of the boat and launch myself off watching as a rope falls from the helicopter toward Pierce’s jet ski. Sloane is slung over his shoulder as he climbs it and I latch on to it during the last moment, my hand nearly slipping before I begin to follow them. I can’t let her get into that helicopter—we’d never see her again.

As if answering my prayers, Sloane’s eyes blink open and fear fills her face.

Then she starts to fight.

Sloane screams, her voice muffled by the tape, as she starts to thrash her body back and forth, shocking Pierce into dropping her. I swear, knowing she’ll fucking sink if that motherfucker loses his grip with how she was tied. Grabbing my gun, I shoot twice at the helicopter and the rope splits as the craft flies away, dropping both Pierce and I into the water.

Instantly, I’m searching for Sloane.

The water is oddly freezing and as I dive down I find her panicked but in River’s arms as he pulls her up, clearly having jumped in. Which leaves fucking Pierce. I look forward to where he is just surfacing and without any guilt, draw the knife I keep holstered and stab him in the leg.

The fucker will die but not yet, I want to enjoy that shit.

Royce grabs him and pulls him up onto the boat as I hoist myself over. Sloane’s arms are around me as she lets out a small sob, her wrists and feet red from the ropes.

“I love you.” I sear a kiss to her lips because thank fuck she’s alive.

Pierce is screaming and Royce must find it annoying, because the next thing I know he’s knocked unconscious by my friend’s huge fist. Good. I think we’re all on the same page about not turning him in … yet, or maybe never. Knowing that he’s positively dead would be a much better outcome than knowing he’s incarcerated somewhere. I want no chance of him ever being able to touch a hair on Sloane’s head again.

“Patch him up,” I demand, so he won’t bleed out.

“What the fuck do we do now?” River asks, looking panicked.

“We need to get to that fucking wedding, before they exchange those codes.”

Oh shit. I’d forgotten all about that.


Black and Blue


“Tell them you need a fucking minute.” Blaine’s voice is low and sharp as he snarls at his mother, her eyes refusing to meet mine as I nearly growl myself. Bitch. I’m sorry but she could have given me a goddamn heads up. I realize how scary Pierce can be, really I sympathize, but shit we could have run out of there together.

Now instead I’m soaked to the bone, and I nearly gotten taken by fuck face who is tied up down here in the crew cabin. The only silver linings I can see in my current situation is that the guys found us in time, before Pierce could take me away and that my hideous, slutty bridesmaid dress is completely ruined. I know it’s weird that in this fucked up situation I’m thinking about my dress but hey, life is all about the small things.

“I don’t know what to tell them,” she whispers, her face Copyright 2016 - 2024