Kansas (Ruthless Kings MC Atlantic City #2) - K.L. Savage Page 0,87

my eyes begin to droop. “Hey, check on my sisters?” Veronica is doing much better than Victoria. Victoria is in a back brace, and she hates it. To a sixteen-year-old, being injured is a nightmare, but I’m thankful she’s alive. That’s all that matters.

“Always do, Springs. Get some rest.”

“Mmmkay,” I mumble as he shuts the door. After a minute he locks it for me, and I smile to myself. I always forget to lock the door even when he reminds me.

My leg throbs a bit, but it isn’t anything I can’t handle. Parts of me are still sore and achy from the accident. Every now and then I’ll have a nightmare about it. Usually it ends with one of my sisters dying or both. Amos will hold me as I cry and then I’ll fall right back asleep, safe and secure in his arms.

I shut my eyes and think about all the good things that have happened to try and make sure I have good dreams instead of bad ones. My sisters are safe, Amos got tested for a bone marrow transplant, and he is a match for his father. The type of cancer his father has doesn’t always take bone marrow. The mortality rate is very high. This is kind of the last hurrah before nothing else works. There isn’t a high positivity rate for this type of transplant to work with patients who have small cell lung cancer.

While his dad has been fighting for his life, he has gotten to know his siblings. It’s been awkward a few times, but I can tell Amos is happy he decided to give them a chance. Plus, I really like Stevie. I think she and I could be close if the circumstances allow.

Oh, and I met his mom and she is so lovely. She came to see us, and she is the kindest soul. On top of all this, I have a dangerous Irish godfather who hasn’t left Atlantic City and won’t until we are all healed and the man who tried to kill me and my sisters is caught. He’s scary, but he cares.

Yeah, bad things happened, but good things are happening too.

I’m lucky.

A wistful smile teases my lips as I get drowsier. My body feels light as sleep takes me. I’m in the in-between, where I’m half asleep but I’m aware of my surrounding, but as if they are a part of a dream.

The lock of the door clicks and the cool air sweeps in, rustling me a bit. Amos’s footsteps are careful and quiet, so he doesn’t wake me. So sweet.

Has the meeting ended already?

The bed dips, and he crawls up my body, straddling me. I keep my eyes closed, waiting to see what he will do next, and his fingers skid across my chest, touching me lightly. His lips are against my cheek and he inhales my hair like he always does.

“So sexy.”

I snap my eyes open when I hear the unfamiliar voice. I open my mouth to scream, but a pillow is shoved over my face. I arch my body and try to fight him off, kicking and slapping his chest. I try to find his face blindly, but he keeps his head away from my reach.

The gun.

It’s getting harder to breathe. My lungs burn, and my throat is raw from screaming. Tears are soaking the pillow smashed against my eyes, and I can feel the skin pulling along the stitches in my leg.

I will not die like this. Not after what I’ve survived.

My hand slaps against the nightstand for the gun, but it isn’t there.

“You think he loves you?” The stranger applies more pressure against my face. “He will never love you. He belongs to me, you fucking whore.”

My hand hits the lamp, and I curl my fingers around the post, lift it, and with all the strength I have left, I swing. It connects with his head, and he falls to the side. I throw the pillow off my face and take a big gulp of air. I roll off the bed and run to the door, but the intruder grabs my ankle.

I hit the ground hard, my jaw snapping against the floor. My teeth clink together, and he grips me by the hips to drag me back onto the bed.

While I’m able to, I scream as loud as I can until my lungs are wrung out. I lift my good leg and smash my heel against his face and scurry off the bed.

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