Kansas (Ruthless Kings MC Atlantic City #2) - K.L. Savage Page 0,67

done with this conversation.

“I’ll prospect then. You guys always want prospects, right?”

“Oh, shit,” Satyr grumbles.

“Kid, this isn’t one of those clubs your join to put on your resume,” Prez states, taking a step between me and Carson.

“I want to be where my brother is, and if it’s here, then it is here. I’ll prospect.”

“That ain’t up to me,” Prez states, confusing all the members.

“You’re the President.”

“I care about my members. Kansas is my acting VP and Sergeant at Arms. He is important and has been through enough in his life. It’s up to him,” Prez states.

All eyes are on me, so I say the only thing that comes to mind. “No. Go home. Sorry about your dad.” And with that I walk away, turning my back to them.

Surprisingly, it hurts way more than I thought it would.

“Unreal. Your second week of school and you got suspended already?” I throw my purse in the car and slam the driver’s side door closed. “Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously?”

I wait for Veronica to say something, to say anything, but she sits there with her arms crossed in the passenger seat. I turn to look at Victoria, who is twisting her hands in her lap, also silent. “Someone better talk to me or I swear…”

“What? You’ll ground us? Please, you aren’t Mom.”

I slam my fist against the wheel and let out a frustrated sound. “You know what? I’m not Mom, but guess what? We are all we have, and I’m the oldest out of us which puts me in charge, and I don’t care how much you don’t like it. I won’t let you walk all over me with your bad attitude, Veronica. How am I supposed to make our lives better when you aren’t helping me? You’re acting like a child. Tell me what happened today.”

“It was my fault,” Victoria cries from the backseat. Big fat tears are rolling down her face. “There has been this girl in my class who has been really mean to me. Veronica saw her push me into the locker. She grabbed the girl by her hair and tossed her on the ground and punched her and said, “Stay away from my sister or this will be the last time your face looks this good.’ It’s my fault, Violet. I’m sorry, Veronica. I didn’t want you to get suspended,’” she sobs, clutching onto her notebooks for safety.

I let out a breath of relief and drop my forehead to the wheel, then chuckle. “God, Veronica. Why didn’t you say that? Did you kick her ass?”

Veronica whips her head toward me, rounding her eyes. “You aren’t mad?”

I put the car in drive and start on our way home. “No. Not when it comes to your sister. Did you kick her ass?”

She smirks. “Yeah, I really did. She’s going to have a black eye for school pictures.”

“Good. Serves the bitch right for fucking with Victoria. You have my permission to kick anyone’s ass who messes with her. Is that the only girl bothering you? What did she say?” I stare at Victoria through the rearview mirror when we get to the red light.

“There are others,” she whispers.

“What? Who? Tell me their names,” Veronica says. “When I get back to school, I’ll kick their ass.”

“It’s okay,” she says sadly.

“No, it isn’t okay, Victoria. What happened? I didn’t know you were getting bullied. What are they saying?”

“Just calling me names. It isn’t a big deal.”

“What names?” I ask her. She stays silent, so I press on. “What names, Victoria?”

“They call me brace-face and ugly. It’s fine.”

“I’m killing them,” Veronica snarls and slouches in the seat, staring out the window.

“You are beautiful, Victoria. Those braces? You’re going to have perfect teeth when they come off, and they are going to be jealous. That’s all it is. They are jealous. Keep that in mind, okay? I know it’s hard, but they will be the ones laughing in the end.”

I hated high school too. Kids are brutal and often times, it’s the bullies with the issues. “I know it’s hard to stay positive, but you have to.”

“I know,” she whispers, flipping through her book.

“Maybe we can ask some of the guys to brings you to school on their bikes. That should scare some of them, right?”

She perks up at that idea. “You think they would? Oh gosh, that would be so cool, Violet.”

“I’ll talk to Kansas and set something up. I have no doubt he will do it for you.”

“Oh my god, that would be

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