Kansas (Ruthless Kings MC Atlantic City #2) - K.L. Savage Page 0,56

and quietly shut the door, then bang my head against the wall. I hope he doesn’t get upset when he sees his sheets are ruined.

I’ll buy him new ones.

I take in the bathroom, appreciating how Amos has made it his. Three walls are painted gray while the wall where the sink sits is painted blue. There aren’t any decorations. It’s very ‘bachelor.’ There is a toothbrush holder that is black with a gold ring around it. Different, blue-colored towels are folded on a rack above the toilet.

There are fluffy black rugs on the hardwood floor, which is different from the floor in my bathroom. Mine has black and white checkers on it, but I like the worn hardwood look. It matches the style Amos seems to have.

The shower curtain is black, with gold hooks that hang on the rod that is attached to the wall. Other than that, the bathroom is pretty simple. I like it.

I lean down and turn on the shower. Once the water gets hot, I step in and make quick work of washing my body and hair. I pay careful attention to the space between my legs to clean up the mess we made.

That’s when it hits me.

We didn’t use a condom, and I’m not on birth control. I wait for the fear, the panic, the need to run out the door and go buy Plan-B, but it isn’t there. I have a very nonchalant attitude about it right now, and I don’t know if it is because I am still in a state of bliss, or if I really don’t mind. I’ll have to talk to him about it.

“I wonder if they even make condoms in his size,” I mumble out loud as I think about our options. What if they don’t? I could get on birth control, that doesn’t bother me.

I twist the handle and shut the water off and slide the curtain back. Stepping out, my feet land on the fluffy rug, and I grab a fresh towel from the rack. I dry my hair first, then wrap the extra-large towel around my body.

It could be a dress.

I wince when I grab the knob and it clicks louder than I want it to, then the hinges groan when I open the door. “Oh, come on,” I whisper to it angrily. As if the door can understand me. I tiptoe to my purse that I threw on the couch last night and unzip it slowly.

Of course, the teeth grind extra loud when I don’t want them to. I pause, tensing my shoulder as I take a peek at Amos to make sure I haven’t woken him up. He flips to his back, and I wait for him to wake up, but he doesn’t. Blowing out a relieved breath, I fish my phone out of the bag to check in with my sisters but find it dead.

“Balls,” I curse. I don’t have my charger.

When I came over last night, I didn’t exactly pack. I tap my phone in my palm as I study the room for a charger. Nothing near the couch or TV, so I head to my side of the bed and open the drawer.


I creep around to Amos’s side and grab the handle, slowly sliding it to reveal if there is a charger inside.

Oh my…

There are sex toys in here.

A lot of sex toys.

“What are you doing?” He snags my wrist to stop me from looking inside the drawer, but it’s too late. I see everything. “You just go through people’s stuff without asking?” he snips, slamming the drawer shut, and the loud sound causes me to jump.

“I’m sorry, I was looking for a charger,” I explain, not understanding what the big deal is. “Are you mad?” I can tell he is panicked. His eyes are wide, and he is breathing hard.

He runs his hands over his messy bedhead, then rubs his palm down his face.

“Are you mad about me seeing the toys?”

“Listen, I’m allowed to want toys too. Just because I’m a man doesn’t mean I don’t like how toys feel.” He sits up and leans against the headboard, unable to meet my eyes.

Oh, I see.

I sit down on the edge of the bed, and the edge of the towel stays tucked under my arm. “You are very defensive when I haven’t even said anything, Amos.”

“You don’t need to. I know what you’re thinking.”

“Do you?” I ask, reaching to open the drawer again, but he slams it shut again. “Amos, what’s

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