Kaden & Keegan (The Walkers of Coyote Ridge #9) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,28

He had no idea if Bristol meant she wanted to talk to him right that moment, but in the event she did, he damn sure wasn’t going to be caught spying.

A short time later, there was a soft knock on his door.

“Come in.”

Bristol came into the room, her eyes instantly on him where he remained on the bed, hands tucked behind his head. He hoped like hell he looked carefree because that was what he was going for. Damn sure didn’t want the little tease to know he’d had a bout of anxiety a few minutes ago.

“Can we talk?”

“About?” he prompted.

She closed the door behind her, stepped closer to the bed, her gaze slowly perusing the space. There wasn’t much in there. A bed, dresser, lamp. Considering he was rarely in the space, and only to sleep, Keegan didn’t need a whole lot. He preferred to spend his time in the living room, usually parked in front of a video game. Otherwise, they were hanging with family, at the bar, or at the shop.

“I want to apologize,” she said softly. “If you thought I was purposely avoiding you all this time.”

He huffed a laugh. “Lyin’ already, darlin’. Not a good track record with that, huh?”

“I’m not lyin’,” she insisted. “It’s the truth.”

“Your truth, maybe. But from where I’m sittin’, you’ve been runnin’ for a damn long time.”

Her eyes narrowed, but he didn’t wait for her to argue.

“You got what you wanted, Bristol. Kaden’s been pinin’ away for you for a couple of years now. Why don’t you go on back out there and seduce him. You and I both know you want to.”

“You are such a … a … a b-hole.”

His eyes shot to her face. “A what?”

“You heard me.”

Sitting up, he grinned. “I did. But what language are you speakin’?”

Those pretty blue eyes narrowed more.

“Don’t make me repeat it.” Her tone had softened, but the gleam in her eye was still sparking.

“Heaven forbid I make you say a four-letter word.”

Her hands went to her hips. “I’m tryin’ to apologize, Keegan.”

“I heard you.”

“So you’re just bein’ ornery because you can?”

Okay, she was hot when she was pissed. Hotter than usual, perhaps he should say.

Deciding on a different tack, Keegan got to his feet, took a step toward her. He knew she expected him to be the fun-loving guy because that was the persona he stuck to. It suited him, made everyone believe he didn’t have a care in the world. If he was being honest, it was what he preferred as well. Kept people from asking how he was doing. With a smile on his face, they figured they already knew.

“Why’d you come in here, darlin’?” He took another step toward her, expecting her to back up, but she held her ground, her head tipping back to stare up at him.

She really was pretty. It was in the softness of her face, the roundness of her chin, and the small dent in the center of it. But there was a mix of sexy in there, too. Her long lashes, those pouty lips, and the sleek column of her neck that he wanted to nuzzle.

And he couldn’t forget the way she smelled. It had to be perfume, something subtle yet intoxicating. It wasn’t flowery or overpowering. It was the perfect mixture and it drew him to her.

“To apologize,” she said, her voice soft.

“You’re expectin’ me to say it’s all right? That I don’t mind bein’ shunned?”

“I’m not the one who walked out that day.” Her chin was at a defiant angle.

“What day?”

“The one y’all keep throwin’ in my face. If I recall correctly, y’all walked out on me.”

“You were drunk.”

“So were you.”

He grinned. “They don’t cancel each other out, you know.”

Bristol didn’t respond.

“Fine. Say you were pissed that we left you that night, your body aching and hot, eager.” Keegan gave in to the urge and touched the dent in her chin, then slid his finger along her jawline. “What’s your excuse for all the times since then? And don’t tell me you thought we didn’t want you. That’s bullshit and you know it.”

The narrowing of her eyes and the purse of her lips were barely discernible, but he could tell she wanted to argue.

“What’s done is done, Bristol.” Keegan leaned down, keeping his voice low. “You’ve said your piece. Why’re you still here? My brother’s out there.”

“What makes you think I only want your brother?”

Such strong resolve for such a sweet little thing. He liked that. A little too much,

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