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afraid to show her puppy-dog eyes over FaceTime. Julia’d even convinced both Anna and Carol to visit for her first day of school this fall.

“Did I mention I got new advertisers on the podcast?” Peyton asked.

“You did, and that’s not what I call forgetting everything else.” I dipped down and kissed him chastely. “Don’t make me regret turning our study into a recording studio, pet.”

He grinned impishly. “I don’t think a studio mic and some software qualify as—”

“Hey.” I tugged his hair harder, hard enough for him to wince and take the hint.

“Ow,” he whispered. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay, baby. I know you’re excited.” I eased up and grabbed the showerhead. “I’m very proud of you.”

That seemed to do the trick. He sighed contentedly, and he tilted his head back as I washed away the shampoo.

After securing the showerhead in the mount again, I poured body wash into my hand and started rubbing the kinks out of his shoulders. Down his back, over his chest, between his ass cheeks…

He shivered and hummed. “You know when I need a break.”

“It’s one of the best responsibilities a Daddy can have.” A role that had become part of my identity with Peyton. “I love taking care of you.”

He smiled serenely. “I love pleasing you.”

I kissed him softly and soaped up his cock properly. “You always do.”

He proved it every time he tried to insert himself into tasks at work that weren’t his to perform anymore. He demanded perfection for me, down to the coffee I was served and how I received my briefings in the morning. “It has to be done right, Daddy,” he’d complain sometimes. He’d become genuinely distraught when unexpected events threw off my schedule, which happened to everyone. But he hated it with a passion.

Once we were both showered and clean, I turned off the water and patted him dry with a towel.

He regressed further when I reached a ticklish spot, and he let out a giggle.

“There’s my sweet boy.” It was an addictive sight that never failed to flood my senses with possessiveness and lewd ideas. “Go sit on the bed. I’m going to grab a toy for us.”

“Yes, sir!” He tightened the towel around his hips and left the bathroom.

I took a calming breath and squatted down to open the cupboard underneath the sink. It was where we kept our toy box, and I was in the mood for a prostate massage tonight.

I folded the bean-shaped egg and a bottle of coconut oil into a towel and joined Peyton in the bedroom.

He flushed when he spotted me. “You’re always naked, Daddy.”

“Daddy likes to be naked with his boy.” I set the towel aside for now and got down on one knee between his legs again, a position I’d thought about more and more lately. While Peyton had already started planning my fiftieth birthday celebration next year, I was growing antsy for him to have my name when the day came. We’d already discussed him adopting Julia, although more from a practical point of view. If anything happened to me, there was only one person good enough to raise our girl, and it was Peyton.

Parting his towel, I placed a kiss on the inside of his thigh.

“Oh,” he exhaled. He covered his semi-hard cock with his hands, and I trailed inward to get a proper taste. He made a needy little noise when I sucked one of his smooth balls into my mouth. “Ohh, I like that so much.”

“Mmm…” So did I. I tongued and sucked on his balls until he was rock hard behind his hands. Then I removed his hands and put him in my mouth.

His thighs trembled with how he tensed up, and he shifted his hands into my hair. “Do you like my cock a lot, Daddy?”

I shook my head and sucked him harder on the upstroke, then kissed the wet tip. “I love it. I’m gonna suck the come from it after I’ve filled your tight little bottom.”

“Oh,” he whined. “I wanna do that right now, please. It’s been forever.”

I smirked and rose to my feet, making it look a lot more graceful than it felt. “It’s been two days, dear.”

“That’s forever,” he sang.

I chuckled and crawled over to the middle of the bed. “Come here, then. Let’s cuddle our special way.”

“Yesss.” He snuggled up in my arms and didn’t waste any time. As I brushed my fingers along his back, he leaned over my chest and closed his mouth around one of my nipples. His

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