Just Sign Here - Cara Dee Page 0,54

a breathless groan and leaned back against the counter. “Jesus Christ. I needed that.”

He went the extra mile and licked me clean before he tucked me back into my boxer briefs and zipped up my dress pants. “You’ve turned me into a cock addict.”

My sweet boy. I cupped the back of his neck and met him in a deep kiss, our tongues mingling, our breaths slowly returning to normal. We were down to the last couple minutes. We had to leave the bathroom.

We righted each other’s clothes in between kisses, and I told him to go out first.

I had to clean up the mess he’d made in me anyway.

He grinned shyly and blushed when I said that.

“I like making a mess in you, though.”

I chuckled and gave him one last kiss. “So do I, love. Now, you go first.”

“Yes, sir.” He washed his hands quickly first, then made his way out of the bathroom.

A couple minutes later, it was my turn.

I adjusted my tie in the mirror and shrugged on my suit jacket.

After leaving the bathroom, I returned to the others in the bustling lounge, but not before getting a drink at the bar.

Peyton and Julia were raiding the snack table by the buffet.

It felt ludicrous, but I was going to miss the hell out of him. Even though it was only four days. Checking my watch as I sat down across from Cathryn and Mathis, I saw that Peyton needed to go to his gate soon. His flight for Seattle departed in an hour. The rest of us would wait an additional forty minutes for our flight to Boston.

“Daddy, we got a cookie for you,” Julia said, walking toward our table.

“That’s sweet of you, darling.” I accepted the cookie and placed it on a napkin next to my scotch. “Want to sit with me?”

She shook her head and waited for Peyton. “Later, Daddy.”

I laughed. Very well.

Once Peyton had returned and taken his seat next to mine, Julia climbed up on his lap instead.

“By the way,” he said, reaching for something in his pocket, “I have something for you, sir.”

I took a sip of my drink, accepting a Post-it note, and I turned it over.

I, Edward Francis Delamare, hereby pledge to call Peyton Dylan Scott twice a day until we’re reunited again.

Fucking hell. The Caribbean… I could think of worse places to fall in love.

Peyton extended a pen to me too. “Just sign there at the bottom.”

“Of course.” I scribbled my signature and smiled as I handed the note back to him.

It was utterly juvenile and exactly what I needed now.

“Thanks.” He smiled back, pleased as punch.

That evening, I stepped out of the elevator and into my home with a screaming toddler and too much luggage, and I took one sweeping glance at my place and suddenly loathed it.

What had I been thinking when I’d agreed to that dining room table?

It was a bachelor pad from the eighties.

“Do you miss Peyton as much as I do?” I asked.

Julia wailed and pushed at me. “I don’t know!”

I sighed and set her down on the floor.

She planted her butt on the floor and smacked the floorboards. “I don’t wanna sit here, Daddy!”

Then why did she—Christ. “McDonald’s for dinner?” I suggested.

It didn’t stop her from sobbing her heart out, but she did nod.

“Peyton be here t-tomorrow?” she cried.

Damn it. Toddlers and the concept of time. Not the best combination. Peyton had tried to explain it before he’d left. She’d been so upset, but more than that, confused. Because “her fwriend” lived with us now. Peyton was supposed to come with us. She’d nodded uncertainly when he’d explained that they’d see each other in four sleeps. He’d counted down on her fingers.

“Almost, darling. You’ll go to bed a few times, and then he’ll be here.” I picked her up off the floor and left the luggage behind. “Let’s run you a bath, and then we’ll eat McDonald’s on the couch in our pajamas. How does that sound? We’ll find a funny movie.”

She sniffled and wiped her nose on her arm. “I want fwries, not apple slices.”

“Fries, it is.” I nodded firmly and opened the gate to the stairs. “And a milk shake?”

“Yeah,” she whimpered.

My poor, exhausted little girl. And her poor, love-sick father.

The only thing I had going for me right now was Julia’s bath bubbles that turned the entire bathtub pink. A layer of sparkly pink foam blanketed the water and managed to calm her down enough to enjoy her bath.

I sat on

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