Just a Positive Pregnancy Test - London Casey Page 0,38

hard. “Coffee it is. Don’t move, okay?”

“I’m not going anywhere, Silas. You’re going to bring me coffee. And something with sugar.”

“Anything for you,” I said.

“Stay naked too. I want to watch.”

I slid the covers off my body and stood up.

I stretched my back, taking my time, flexing muscles I didn’t need to flex.

Hoping to tease Mila a little bit.

She reached forward and pinched my left ass cheek.

I jumped and looked back at her.

That look in her eyes…

“This is how you ended up pregnant,” I said.

“Oh, I know, it’s all my fault. I can’t control myself, Silas.”

“So if it’s your fault, then why do I have to be here?”

Mila smiled. “Because if you leave, I’ll hunt you down and cut your dick off. Do you really want me to do that?”

I put my left hand over my dick. “Nah. I like my dick.”

“I like it too,” she said. “But I’d like some coffee and something sugary before your dick.”

“Ah, you have a breakfast menu there, huh?”

“Move, Silas!” Mila yelled as she slapped my ass.

I laughed and walked out of the room.

It was good to see her not throwing up. And to see her in a good mood.

Now, as far as the sugar stuff went, I wasn’t a fool.

I poured Mila a cup of coffee and went to a secret stash of mini donuts I kept on hand for her. Up until this morning, Mila hated to admit she enjoyed them. She feared she was going to put on too much weight being pregnant. Of course, when she said that, there was no good response from me.

As I walked back into the bedroom, I heard the sound of Tyler’s voice and I froze.

I stood there in the doorway with a cup of coffee and donuts. Fully naked.

Mila looked at me and wiggled her eyebrows.

I realized she was on the phone with her brother.

“Are you serious with this stuff, Mila?” Tyler asked. “You want a gold-plated clawfoot bathtub? And a giraffe head as a faucet? What the hell is that?”

“Just look it up,” Mila said.

“And the floors… zebra tiles in the kitchen?”

“Uh-huh,” Mila said. She covered her mouth so she didn’t laugh out loud.

I walked back to the bed and quietly got under the covers, still holding the coffee and donuts.

Mila had me wrapped around her finger. And I didn’t care one bit.

“Okay, but the kitchen,” Tyler said. “Come on. You don’t want a sink?”

“Nope,” Mila said.

“How do you not have a sink in the kitchen?”

“I don’t want one.”

“But you want a second dishwasher?”


“Does Silas know this? Are you fucking with me right now?”

“I have to go, Tyler,” Mila said as she bit her bottom lip. She wanted to laugh so bad. “Morning… sickness…”

She ended the call and looked at me and started to laugh.

“You know, your brother isn’t my most favorite person in the world,” I said, “but what you’re doing is just mean.”

“I don’t care,” she said. “He’s so confused and pissed, yet he wants to make me happy.”

I shook my head and gave Mila her coffee and donuts.

“I’m going to have to smooth this over with him,” I said.

“I know,” Mila replied. “But you will. Tyler knows I’m messing around.”

“In reality though, darling, anything you want in there. Do it. Think about the rooms. Do you want some bookshelves? Recessed lighting? The flooring and the walls…”

“What about you, Silas? It’s your house too.”

“I just want you and our baby,” I said.

“Oh, Silas…” She put her head on my shoulder. “Get real though.”

I laughed. “I want the studio. So we can write music. We can make it all work right from here.”

“You think that’s possible?”

“I do,” I said. “I just have to get things in order and keep Mickey in the loop. Trust me, it’ll work.”

Mila ate an entire donut in one bite.

She caught me looking at her.

I feared her pregnancy wrath.

Instead, she chomped with her eyes shut.

Her lips were dusted in white, powdered sugar.

“That was good,” she said as she opened her eyes.

“You have a little…” I pointed to her lips.

Fuck it.

I moved in and kissed her.

Mila gasped.

My tongue flickered against her lips to taste the sugar.

She laughed and licked my lips back.

“I don’t have anything on my lips,” I whispered.

“I don’t care. I wanted to taste them.”

We started to kiss again.

As the moment took shape for something else, Mila snuck a donut between us.

She rubbed it against my lips, hitting my nose and chin.

I pulled away and she started to laugh again.

“Oh, Silas, sorry. You have powdered sugar on

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