Just a Positive Pregnancy Test - London Casey Page 0,22


“What the hell was that sound? Oh, good Christ!”

I grabbed Tyler’s shirt and threw him to my right.

A second later there was a third person in the mix.

It was Zeke.

The old man pushed at me, showing off that he had some strength.

“Get out of the way, Zeke,” Tyler ordered. “This has to be done.”

Tyler moved for me and Zeke slammed his hand to Tyler’s chest.

“What the hell are you two trying to prove?” Zeke bellowed.

“Need your grandpa to fight your battles, Tyler?” I asked.

Yeah, I’m being that much of a dick.

Tyler knocked Zeke’s hand out of the way and jumped for me.

He grabbed my shirt and pulled.

I threw a punch with my left hand to his ribs.

He took the punch and winced in pain for a second.

He spun us around and drove me back against the wall.

Pictures scattered to the floor, jumping and shattering.

“You two damn idiots! Stop this!” Zeke yelled.

We ignored him.

There were only two outcomes from this fight with Tyler.

We’d either end up laughing, then having a beer, with respect for one another.

Or we’d hate each other for the rest of our lives and that would mess up Mila’s entire life too.

Chapter Eleven


“They can sense it, right?” Olivia asked.


“The dogs,” Olivia said. “Look at them. They haven’t left our sides. They can sense we’re pregnant, right?”

“I think so.”

“That’s weird.”

“A little,” I said. “But they’re family too, right? It’s their way of saying congrats to us.”

Oliva reached down and patted Lola’s head.

Layla lifted her head with jealous eyes.

“Oh, I’ve got you,” I said.

I scratched around her ears and she shut her eyes and started to smile.

“How long have you had morning sickness?” I asked Olivia.

“Every morning,” she said. “I’m over it.”

“Today was the first for me.”

“Maybe it wasn’t morning sickness then.”

“What could it have been?”

Olivia smiled. “Too much sex.”

“Stop,” I said, blushing.

“I know that glow right now,” Olivia said.

“There’s no glow.”

“There’s a glow,” Ma said as she walked behind the counter.

“Pregnancy glow,” I said.

“Sex glow,” Olivia said.

“I’m guessing she’s right,” Ma said, nodding to Olivia.

“Okay, fine, whatever,” I said. “First off, Silas surprised me by coming back. What did you think would happen? Second, I’m already pregnant! Can’t get any more pregnant, right?”

“Well, now I know my only daughter isn’t all that innocent,” Ma said.

“Oh, don’t give me that,” I said.

Ma laughed and stuck her tongue out at me.

She walked into the kitchen and looked at Olivia. “Thanks for that one.”

“Sorry. You do have a glow. You look happier. A little relieved.”

“Kind of,” I said. “Nobody else has seen Silas yet though. I don’t know what the reaction is going to be.”

“You heard Tyler…”

“Please,” I said. “He’s all talk sometimes. No offense. He has a good heart. But that Justa blood. He can say all the sweet, brotherly things he wants. I know in my gut the second he sees Silas again, he’ll be ready for a fight.”

“When that happens, I’ll be there to stop him,” Olivia said. “It’ll all be okay, Mila. Silas didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I know.”

“I think the bigger worry is… you know… where you’re living and what you’re doing.”

“And that is nobody’s business but mine. And Silas’s.”

“Agreed,” Olivia said. “But you know how Tyler is.” Olivia looked around and leaned closer to me. “He wants to be like your father.”

“I know he does,” I said. “Except my father supported me in everything I did. Tyler sometimes wants me to fit a mold.”

Olivia touched my hand. “You know, I’m glad we have each other right now. It means a lot. Because I think Tyler has pregnancy hormones too.”

I laughed. “What a baby.”

“Big time,” Olivia said. “He’s so moody and grumpy. Not in a mean way though. I can tell he’s just thinking six months into the future. Then six years. Then sixty years.”

The restaurant door opened and in walked Crosby.

“Look at this,” he said. “The pregnancy twins are here.”

“You’re just jealous because I have proof I get more love than you,” I said.

Crosby clutched his chest. “Well, you know, you’re right there. I mean, Silas is a sexy ass rock star…”

“Be quiet,” I said with a smile.

“How are you both feeling?” he asked.

“I threw up,” I said.

“I pissed myself,” Olivia said proudly.

Crosby stepped back. “Whoa. Maybe I shouldn’t have asked.”

“But you did,” I said.

“Don’t worry, Crosby,” Olivia said. “That’s not what we were talking about.”

“Oh yeah?” Crosby asked. “What’s the topic of conversation today then?”

“Our brother,” I said. “Apparently he’s being himself near Olivia.”

“Acting like a miserable prick?” Crosby asked.

“Yeah,” Olivia said.

Crosby swallowed hard. “You both

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