Just One Song - By Stacey Lynn Page 0,75

on his lips, gently brushing mine over his, teasing him. “I love you, Zack.”

Chapter Sixteen

I wake up with Zack’s legs and arms wrapped around my entire body my backside, holding me against his stomach. He’s warm all over and I’m a little bit sweaty from being entangled in his arms. I slowly roll over to admire his beautiful face when he opens his eyes. “Good morning, love.”

I love my new nickname.

“Good morning, rock god.” I lean in and kiss him pulling his body close to mine. Since the first night we made love, I can’t seem to get enough of him. Visions of last night dance through my head. Zack gently caressing every inch of my body, kissing me like he was worshipping me, and the tender way he held me as he entered me.

I had no idea I could ever experience such a powerful, slow-burning passion. I can feel my heart beat increase and my body warm as I remember how good he feels inside me.

He groans roughly while I kiss him before slowly pulling away and cradling my face lightly in his hands. “If you keep this up, we’re going to be late for Thanksgiving, you know.”

“Hmmm...,” I whisper just inches from his mouth. “I don’t want that.” Taking a deep breath to slow down the fire that is already burning for him, I slowly pull out of his arms and begin to roll over. I don’t get far when Zack’s hand moves to my wrist and pulls me back and on top of him.

“We can be a little late. We’re the ones cooking anyway.”

I arch an eyebrow. “We’re cooking?”

“Fine. You’re cooking, but if we’re late, I can help.” I don’t want his help. I’ve heard the stories of how his mom and Sammy tried teaching him how to cook that resulted in multiple kitchen fires. I still haven’t figured out how you can set pancakes on fire.

With my legs straddling his hips, I lean down and kiss his neck, then his jaw, and back to the soft part behind his ear that I discovered he likes so much. I whisper in the most seductive voice I could manage, “I’ll be quick. I promise.”

I delight when his body shivers under me and he quietly growls out my name.

“I know…let me show you how much I love you.”.


“Stop fidgeting. They’re going to love you.”

I’m not fidgeting. I’m pacing, tapping out my Debussy tune on anything I can get my fingers on, and frantically worrying that something is going to go wrong with Thanksgiving dinner and I’ll be horribly embarrassed. I’m terrified that Sammy won’t like me or that his mom will think I’m not good enough. They’ll be here any minute and I want to be certain everything is absolutely perfect.

I look over at the dining room table and arch an eyebrow at Zack. It’s the only job I allowed him to do all day and I still don’t think he did it right. “Why are there three extra place settings at the table?”

He walks away without saying a word.


“It’s a surprise for later.” I hate surprises. Correction; I used to hate surprises, but Zack’s done pretty good so far in the surprise department so I’m beginning to maybe sort of like them, sometimes. But today is not a good day for surprises. Not when I want everything perfect.

“Zack.” It comes out whinier than I intend and I grimace at the sound of my own voice.

He cups my face in his palms, gently caressing my cheeks with the pads of this thumbs. “It will be okay. Everything will be perfect, and they’re going to love you. Stop worrying. You love my surprises.”

I do. I really do. I’m so lost in his eyes that I jump when the doorbell rings. I jump away immediately and smooth down my skirt. Zack simply kisses my cheek and walks to get the door.

“You look great. Stop fidgeting.” The space gives me just a few seconds to take a couple deep breaths and calm my nerves. It’s not nearly enough time because as soon I walk around the corner when Zack opens the door, a tiny female with a short black pixie haircut and a wine colored dress is wrapped around Zack.

“Zackie! Finally!” She squeals in his arms and holds on tightly while he spins her around finally setting her down just inside the front door. I look over at the two and watch their faces light up with smiles that stretch from one

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