Just One Song - By Stacey Lynn Page 0,44

me. I have to feel more.

I know what’s happening, Zack lifts me up and carries me to the couch. He sits down so I’m on his lap, straddling him, my hands still gripping his hair and holding him to me.

I rock against him instinctively and feel how much he wants me. His erection presses roughly against me and I moan into his mouth.

“God, Nicole,” he says again and I say something completely unintelligible in response. I can’t think of a single word to save my life. He tastes good and his smell overpowers me. I haven’t kissed a man since Mark’s death, but I’m not thinking about Mark at all right now. I’m thinking of how good Zack’s hands feel gripping my waist, pulling me to him. And how warm his mouth is.

Fifteen months of suppressed hormones rush to the surface and I’m just about to ask him to take me to his room because I just want to give in to everything I’m feeling right now.

And just as I open my mouth to speak, he pulls back, and softly ends the best kiss in the history of my life.

“Mmmmm.” He hums and rests his forehead against mine, his eyes are closed and a slight smile is on his lips. We’re both panting and I want to rock against him – tease him – until he takes me wherever he wants to, but reality hits me in a split second and I realize, I’m not fully ready for that yet. But I am ready for a lot more of what we just did.

“Good night, Zack.” I gently kiss his lips and press myself against him one more time but pull back as soon as his hands grip the back of my head and hold me close to him.

I slowly climb off his lap, with a small smile on my lips and don’t remove my eyes from his. He looks at me through half-hooded lashes and his mouth parted slightly. He looks as dazed and confused as I feel.

I turn and walk away leaving him sitting there, staring after me. I’m thrilled that for once, I’m not the one frozen in place.

I enter the bathroom and stare at my reflection. I feel different; better. Happier than I’ve been in a long time; and as I look into my eyes, I see it.

It’s taken one year, three months, two weeks and days but my sparkle has returned. I almost hate to wash my face and brush my teeth. It will erase every lingering taste of him, but I do it reluctantly. I replay the kiss in my head the entire time.

It was more passionate and powerful than anything I have ever experienced. I can’t wait to have more.

I can’t sleep after I crawl into bed. A thousand thoughts from the day run through my head. Every single thought puts a smile on my face and I know I’m smiling out of control. I do the only thing a girl can do when she’s just had the kiss of her life. I text my best friend.

He kissed me. I type it out and hold my phone in my hands, waiting for her response. Not thirty seconds later, my phone buzzes.

OMG! I totally knew he would! How was it!!!????? How are you!!!???

I can practically hear Mia’s giddy screams from half a continent away.

Amazing and I’m good; honest. Can’t sleep now. What’s with the ???!!!!

Can’t help it! Too excited for you. U have 2 tell me everything.

Later. Just wanted u 2 know.

Luv u…I’m proud of u, Nic. Call me soon.

Chapter Ten


I’m exhausted. This tour is draining all the energy out of me. Between the shows and all the shit going on with Ethan, I’ve never had a more stressful tour. And Nicole. I want her. It takes every ounce of self-control I have to not push things too far, but every time I close my eyes all I remember is our first kiss days ago. Her lips were soft and perfect and she tastes amazing.

I feel myself getting hard at the thought of her lips and where else I want them. All over me. I’ve got to get a grip on this before I do something stupid like scare her away. Although based on the looks she’s given me lately, and the little way she moans whenever I stand intentionally too close, she’ll be ready soon.

“What?” I ask and look at Chase and Garrett sitting across from me on the couches. We’re on our way

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