Just One Song - By Stacey Lynn Page 0,102


“I think we’ll be leaving now,” I quietly answer the waiter. “Zack? Can you pay the man so we can go get a beer and play some pool?” I smile cautiously trying to help him calm down.

He takes a deep breath and reaches in for his wallet. He throws several hundred dollar bills down on the table which makes me raise my eyebrows. I don’t know if our dinner is really that expensive or if Zack is so distracted he doesn’t realize what he has just done. Based on the tension on his face, I don’t think it’d do any good to ask.

“Sorry for the trouble,” he says roughly and reaches for my hand. I take it and allow him to lead me towards the front door.

“Keep your head down and say nothing when we leave. I’m sure anyone who is outside right now will be wondering why Rachel just left and why we’re following. There will be enough gossip from those who saw what happened - I don’t want us to add to it,” he whispers forcefully in my ear when we reach the front door. He places his arm firmly around my shoulders. It’s not a comforting embrace, but protective.

Once outside, the flashes are almost as blinding as the red carpet. “Zack! Did you say hello to Rachel? Is it really over? Zack, tell us about your girlfriend!” The questions seem unending as we quickly walk up the sidewalk to his car. They crowd us every step of the way trying to bend down and get a shot of our faces, but I do what Zack said and never once look up, as hard as it is to not look simply out of curiosity.

Finally, he shoves me into the passenger seat of his Roadster. He quickly shuts the door and rushes to get in his seat. The entire time flashing bulbs are glistening off the car’s side and front windows. I stare at my hands in my lap, willing myself to not look up and give them the shot they want. And what a great shot it would be, me looking terrified and pissed at the same time. Zack says nothing as he pulls the car out into the street while avoiding running over the photographers.

I’m slightly disappointed we don’t at least nick someone. Several minutes later I glance over at him to see his jaw clenched in anger, his knuckles white where he grips the steering wheel tightly.

I lean over and gently place my hand on his thigh hoping to soothe him. I wait for what seems like way too long until he exhales a deep breath and moves one of his hands from the steering wheel and places it on top of mine.

“I’m sorry about that,” he says quietly, his tone still furious.

“It’s okay…”

“No, Nicole. It is most definitely not okay.” His tone says this is absolutely not up for discussion. And since I want to calm him down instead of increase his anger, I nod silently and say nothing. “God, I had no idea she was such a –“

“Witch?” I finish for him.

He snorts softly. “Yeah, that or something that sounds similar. Seriously, I’ve known her for years and I have never seen this side of her.”

I try to maintain a calm exterior, even though inside my stomach is flip-flopping at the thought of Rachel and her wanting Zack, and clearly not ready or willing to give up trying to get him. It makes me sick just thinking about it. “Well, she wants you. And she’s jealous. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, or so the saying goes I guess.”

“I just can’t believe she would say that.”

“I really don’t want to keep talking about her, Zack. Can we just forget it happened?”

He turns to me, examining me as I sit next to him. “How can you be so calm about this?”

“Oh trust me, I’m not,” I say smiling evilly at him, “but I’m also not going to let her ruin my night out with you. Will you promise me something, though?”


“Don’t see her while I’m gone. I trust you, I just don’t trust her and I know she’s going to try something to get you back.”

“Trust me, I have no desire to ever see Rachel again.”

“Okay then, let’s just put the dinner behind us and go home.” His hand tightens around mine.

“Can we have dessert, too?” He wiggles his eyebrows and smiles. He is absolutely not talking about dessert in the food variety.


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