Just One Scandal (The Kingston Family #2) -Carly Phillips Page 0,58

because it reminds him of something,” Tripp said, obviously not sure how much she knew.

She glanced at the man who’d lost his twin yet still seemed to be more composed than Beck. Everyone processed death differently, and Tripp was a medical professional. He’d had more experience with illness after his sister’s passing. Chloe had no doubt Tripp’s career choice had everything to do with his twin’s illness.

“I’ll drive you home, and by the time I get back, maybe I’ll be able to see Dad.” Drew glanced at her, his warm gaze comforting.

Audrey walked over to her. “Go on, honey. It’s going to be a long day, and you’ve done enough for us already.” She patted Chloe’s arm. “Thank you for being there for my son. I hope you don’t take his reactions too personally. He had the most difficult time processing Whitney’s death. I took the boys for counseling, but I honestly don’t think Beck really listened or opened up.” She lifted her shoulders and sighed.

“You did the best you could,” Chloe murmured. “And you were dealing with your own loss. Beck’s going to have to figure things out for himself.” She had the distinct impression he wasn’t going to let her help him, either.

Drew hooked his arm through hers. “Come on.”

“Are you sure? I don’t mind taking an Uber, and that way you can wait here.” She didn’t want to put anyone out on an already stressful day.

Beck’s brother nodded. “Positive. This way I keep busy instead of sitting around waiting.”

She shot him a grateful look and said her goodbyes. Both Tripp and Audrey promised to let her know if they heard from Beck, and she hoped he checked in with someone. His family had enough to worry about.

Drew had his car and drove her downtown to Beck’s. He insisted on walking her up to the loft and making sure she got inside safely. She assumed he also wanted to see if Beck had just gone home. He hadn’t.

“Do you have any idea where he went?” she asked as Drew turned to leave.

He shook his head. “At some point, he’ll end up somewhere to grab a drink and brood. I’m going to see Dad, and then Tripp and I will go looking for him. I have a couple of ideas where he’ll end up.”

She swallowed hard. “Bring him back safely,” she said, her voice hoarse from trying not to cry.

She was worried and stressed and very concerned about Beck’s reaction to something that really did sound potentially positive in the long run. He’d gone somewhere else while that doctor spoke, and Chloe had to wonder if he’d heard everything she said or put his own spin on the words that went in one ear and out another.

“I will, Chloe.” Drew pulled her into a hug. “You’re good for my brother. I know he’s got walls up but don’t give up on him, okay?”

She treated him to a small smile. “I’m not sure the final decision of what happens between us is going to be mine. But thank you. I know he’s going to need his family. I’m glad you’re all so close.”

He winked as he headed out, leaving her alone in Beck’s apartment with no idea where he’d gone. Having known the day would be long, she was already dressed in comfortable clothes, so she kicked off her shoes and left them by the door, then grabbed her iPad from her room and settled in on the sofa in the family room to wait.

To kill time and avoid worrying, she touched base with her friends who’d been calling her all through the weeks since the wedding, wanting to know how she was doing. She’d let them know she was fine, but now she began to open up about her life and her plans, feeling freer each time she explained leaving her job, entering the contest, and considering opening her own business.

With no news from Beck or his brothers, she pulled out her phone and texted him. Simple questions like how are you? Where are you? Want me to meet you someplace? The texts went unread and unanswered.

She’d eaten dinner and fallen asleep on the sofa reading when she heard the sound of the front door of the apartment opening.

“That’s it. Come on. Just a few more steps.” It sounded like Tripp talking, and Chloe moved the reader from her stomach and stood, rushing over to meet them.

Tripp’s arm was around Beck, who leaned against his brother, as Tripp guided

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