Just One Scandal (The Kingston Family #2) -Carly Phillips Page 0,44

as his orgasm exploded, taking him over, pleasure filling him, as his long climax continued.

Not letting go, Chloe stayed with him, swallowing all he had to give and only releasing him when he collapsed against the back of the seat.

“Holy fuck,” he muttered, completely spent.

Rising, she returned to the seat beside him.

He rolled his head to the side, meeting her hazy gaze. Her lips were red and puffy, a look of sated satisfaction on her face. She shifted her dress and pulled the hem back down, her breaths still coming hard and fast.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

She leaned back against the seat. “Never better, and I mean that.” Her expression softened. “There’s something to be said for mutual satisfaction.”

He narrowed his gaze, well aware there were many ways for him to take that comment, none of them good for her. Even though her pleasure had come at her own hand, he’d demanded it, and they’d come nearly at the same time. He had a strong hunch that had rarely happened for her before now.

Acting on instinct, he slid a hand around the back of her neck and pulled her in for a long, deep kiss. One he needed and hoped she did, too.

Once again shaken by the depth of emotion sex with Chloe brought, it took everything inside him not to pull back and be an asshole again. Instead he gave in to what he really wanted.

He picked up the phone and called the driver, instructing him to take them home. His bed was waiting and he wasn’t finished with Chloe. Not by a long shot.

Chapter Eight

Back at the apartment, Chloe kicked off her heels and was about to turn into her room when Beck grasped her wrist and tugged her into his bedroom.

“We’re not finished,” he said in a gruff voice.

Considering her body still tingled but felt surprisingly empty, she wasn’t about to argue. She dropped the shoes beside his big bed and sat down on the mattress. He’d already begun to undress. His shoes and socks were in a pile. He’d shrugged off his jacket, laying it on the dresser, and was in the process of unbuttoning his shirt.

Propping herself back on one hand, she decided to watch the show. As he shrugged off white material, his tanned skin came into view along with rippled muscles he must work hard to maintain.

“What do you do at the gym?” she asked, doing her best not to drool at the sight.

He grinned and started to take off his pants. “Treadmill for cardio, weights with a trainer, and a punching bag.” Hooking his thumbs into the sides, he pulled off the slacks and boxer briefs, letting them fall and kicking them aside.

And if she thought she’d had an eyeful before, she had an even bigger one now. Much bigger, she thought, holding back an unladylike giggle. His sculpted chest tapered down to one of those sexy vees women loved so much and an arousal that let her know she wasn’t alone with this heady desire rushing through her.

“Your turn,” he said.

She shifted until she was on her knees and turned her back to him, pulling her hair out of the way. “Unzip me?”

He stepped up behind her, his body heat warm at her back as he unzipped the dress and pressed kisses against her neck and trailed down her spine. She shivered and her nipples pebbled into tight peaks, her arousal growing hotter and wetter.

With a flick of his wrist, he unhooked her bra. From there it was simple to shimmy off the dress and silk undergarment and let them pool at her knees. Wrapping his arms around her, he swiped his thumbs over her breasts. They were already sensitive, and she sucked in a shallow breath at his touch.

Next thing she knew, he’d picked her up, turned her around, and set her down on the bed, sliding her ass to the edge of the mattress. With the bed up on a platform, he had the perfect height to return the favor from the limo, and she wouldn’t argue that he wanted to. She’d already experienced his talented mouth and tongue and wanted more.

Dropping to his knees, he spread her thighs and lowered his head until his tongue swiped at her sex. He lifted her legs over his shoulders and proceeded to devour her like a starving man. It didn’t take long for him to send her flying, her climax fast and furious.

In the time it took for her to come

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