Just One Scandal (The Kingston Family #2) -Carly Phillips Page 0,3

gratitude in his expression obvious. Then he paused and blew out the candles.

Beck wondered, as he did every year, if his father wished for everyone sitting at this table’s health and well-being. God knows that was Beck’s annual birthday prayer. They’d all learned years ago how fragile life could be after losing Tripp’s twin, Whitney, when they were teens.

The server reached over and lifted the cake. “We’ll slice it and be right back. I’ll take your coffee orders then,” he said and walked away.

“I don’t know about you but that cake looked delicious,” his mother said. “And that frosting? Mmm. I can’t wait.”

Tripp, a pediatrician, grinned. “I’ll take a big chunk, myself.”

Andrew glanced at their father. “You look like you could use a slice, Dad. Have you lost weight?”

Beck shifted his gaze back to his father, noting the more drawn look in his lower face. “Now that Drew’s mentioned it, you do look thinner.”

His father waved a hand through the air. “I’m fine, boys. Don’t worry about me.”

Beck always worried. But tonight they were at his father’s favorite steak restaurant. There might have been a time the Daniels family couldn’t afford a restaurant this fancy or expensive, and Beck and his brothers had put themselves through school on loans, but they’d always had love. And now Beck, Tripp, or Drew could more than cover the cost of taking their parents out for an extravagant dinner.

His father looked up, his eyes widening. “And there’s our dessert.”

Beck tried to get his mother’s attention to see if she’d give him an inkling about his dad’s health, but she was busy digging into the cake the server had placed in front of her first. He held back a groan, telling himself he shouldn’t jump to conclusions. It wasn’t like he spent all his time thinking about his sister, but she was always there, ready to pop into his mind and remind him how quickly things could change. How fast life could turn to loss.

“Beck? I asked if you’d like a piece?” his mom asked.

He nodded, knowing it would make her happy. “Hit me up,” he said. “And make it a big slice.” Pushing sad thoughts out of his head, he focused on enjoying the here and now. Something he was still learning how to do, many, many years later. Losing a sibling to leukemia had been harsh and difficult, and they all still suffered the aftereffects all this time later.

“Hey, when we finish eating, who wants to head to the bar downstairs and have a drink?” Drew, the lawyer in the family, asked.

“I’m in,” Tripp said, shoveling the cake in his mouth as he spoke.

Laughing, Beck lifted a piece onto his fork. “I’ll join you,” he said, then took the cake into this mouth. The chocolate melted and he damn near moaned out loud. “This is amazing,” he said, going in for another bite.

“Mom? Dad?” Tripp turned their way. “Want to come?”

“Oh, no. You boys stay out and have some fun. We’re just going to go home like the old people we are.” She grinned and they all rolled their eyes.

His mom had married his father after she’d graduated college. Then she’d gotten pregnant with Drew at the age of twenty-three. Now fifty-eight, she looked a lot younger than her years. Nobody would call either of his parents old. But if they wanted to go home, everyone understood.

A little while later, with the check taken care of and goodbyes said to their parents, Beck, Tripp, and Drew made their way out of the restaurant and headed toward the main lobby bar.

A nighttime hotspot, the lobby was crowded, people lining up past the entrance and mingling in the main room and around the fountain in the center.

“I guess we’re not getting near the drinks any time soon,” Drew muttered.

“Doesn’t seem like it.” Tripp stopped walking so they could talk and regroup.

“Do you want to go somewhere else? Or we could head back to my apartment and have a few drinks there.” Beck didn’t care as long as he spent time with his siblings.

“Your place sounds good. I’m not looking to pick anyone up tonight,” Drew said.

“I’ll get us an Uber.” Tripp pulled out his cell.

They began to head toward the side entrance where it was quieter and they could more easily locate their ride share when a burst of feminine laughter caught Beck’s attention.

He glanced up in time to see a bride walking across the lobby, surrounded by three other women in matching dresses.

“Gives a

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