Just One Scandal (The Kingston Family #2) -Carly Phillips Page 0,28

own father never had been. But Chloe had reached the point where she wanted to live her own life, and she desperately needed Linc to understand. Everyone else seemed to.

She swept her gaze around the room. “I love you all and thank you for worrying. I promise if I need you, I’ll call.” Pulling out her phone, she engaged the Uber app and requested a car.

Walking out of the room, she left them talking behind her.

She stepped into the spring air, and knowing she had time, she sat down on the front step. Tears welled in her eyes while she waited for her ride.

Linc wanted everyone happy but under his umbrella and terms, and for years, she’d made it easy for him to think his way was the right one. Now, though, she’d taken that first step toward independence and was petrified about what would happen if she stumbled.

She heard the sound of the front door opening but didn’t turn to see who was joining her.

“Hey.” Xander lowered himself beside her, stretching out his long legs on the steps leading to the bluestone path.

“Hi.” She rested her chin on her knees.

“You know Linc means well, right?” Xander asked.

She shot him a surprised glance. “You’re defending him?”

Xander groaned. “We both know he’s a little harsh in his delivery, but it’s just because he loves you. He loves all of us. And he’ll get used to you doing what’s best for you, even if it’s not what he wants. I promise.”

She managed a smile. “I know. And I’m not really mad at him or anyone in the family.” Beck was another story.

He pulled her into a brotherly hug. “Personally I think you’re going to kick ass in this contest, by the way.”

“Thanks. You’re a pretty decent big brother,” she said with a laugh, resting her head on his shoulder.

“Look, I don’t know this Beck Daniels, either, but I have that huge house in East Hampton or the usually empty apartment in the city. You can stay with me and have all the privacy you want or need.”

And if she moved out of Beck’s, she might take Xander up on his offer, something she’d decide after she had it out with her host. “Thanks. If I need you, I promise to let you know.”

Of everyone in her family, Xander understood needing time and space the best. He had mild PTSD from his time in the marines and preferred the uncluttered Hamptons to the bustle of New York City. Everyone gave him the space he needed. Why couldn’t they do the same for her?

They sat in silence until her car arrived and she headed home to deal with Beck.

* * *

Chloe had an hour-long ride back to the city to work up her anger and frustration with Beck. He should have come to her with his concern for her welfare or his desire to get rid of her as his roommate. She entered the apartment with the app he’d programmed on her phone and looked around the kitchen and the family room first, not finding the man she needed to talk to.

She stormed to her room, put down her purse, and kicked off her shoes, noticing on the way that Beck’s door was closed. With the long day she’d had and all the travel and traffic, she was exhausted. She’d even had the driver stop at a fast-food place so she could grab something for dinner on her way home from her mom’s. She’d figured she needed all the energy she could get for the confrontation to come. And she didn’t plan on waiting until morning to have it.

She stepped out of her room and across the hall, knocking on Beck’s bedroom door. “Beck, open up. We need to talk!” She banged again, her hand midair as the door flung open and Beck stood in front of her.

He grasped her wrist before her hand, already in motion, could hit him in the chest. “Whoa. What’s wrong?”

She’d intended to rip into him for siccing her family on her, but she hadn’t planned on the bare-chested man greeting her in gray sweats. Muscles defined his pecs and abs, biceps and triceps. Not to mention, everyone knew how much gray sweatpants revealed on a well-endowed man. Beck sported an extremely large bulge in his sweats, and at the sight of him, her mouth went dry.

“Chloe?” he asked as he released his grip, and she lowered her hand to her side.

Gathering herself, she straightened her shoulders and recalled

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