Just One Scandal (The Kingston Family #2) -Carly Phillips Page 0,25

so wary and distrustful of the profession. “Isn’t your brother a pediatrician?” Beck had mentioned it sometime this past week.

He nodded.

“I know it’s not the same thing, but why don’t you see how he feels about the news?” She hated seeing him so upset.

“Thanks for trying to help. I think I’m just going to change and head to the gym to work out. I’ll feel better after I beat on something.”

She watched him go, worried about how withdrawn he’d suddenly become.

* * *

A couple of days passed during which Beck waited and angsted over getting his father’s results. Everyone tried not to talk about it, but the shadow hovered over everything Beck felt and did. He spent a lot of time in the gym, punching a bag, trying to relieve his frustration that cancer could be something his family had to deal with again. At the thought, the old fear over what that meant rose inside him again.

Back at the apartment, he often caught a worried look on Chloe’s face as she stared at him, sensing his distress. Why didn’t he just tell her he’d lost his sister to cancer, the same disease he feared losing his father to? Because he hated talking about it. When he thought or spoke about the past, the pain came back as if it were new and just as raw.

He’d rather focus on other things he could control, and after another few days of Chloe’s moping around the house, he intended to do just that. He hoped Linc liked surprises, because he was about to get a big one.

Beck had never seen the need for a driver and took an Uber uptown to Kingston Enterprises. He approached the main desk, gave his name and ID, and after a quick phone call, was directed upstairs to Linc’s floor.

A receptionist led him through the office, decorated just as Chloe had said, in a staid navy and taupe, looking like many other places he’d seen. No wonder Chloe was bursting to branch out. The vibrant woman he’d seen the night of her wedding and the morning after was slowly wilting the longer she remained holed up in his apartment. And she wouldn’t get any better if she remained working with Linc.

But first things first. He needed to prod her out of being down in the dumps. She obviously had no real plan for the future, and he figured she needed the very people she was avoiding more than she wanted to admit.

He approached a desk, where Linc’s fiancée and personal assistant sat guarding his office.

Catching sight of him, Jordan rose to her feet. “I have to admit I was surprised when the guard downstairs called and said you were here to see Linc.”

“So was I.” Linc, dressed in his ever-present suit and tie, stood in the doorway. “But considering my sister is staying with you, I’m guessing we have something to talk about. Come in.” He glanced at Jordan. “Why don’t you join us. You’re just going to listen in anyway,” he said with a grin Beck knew he reserved for very few. “I take it you don’t mind.”

“Not at all,” Beck said. It hadn’t been a question anyway.

Beck gestured for Jordan to precede him, and they all walked into Linc’s office. Jordan took a chair. Linc leaned against his desk, arms folded in front of him.

And Beck stood in front of him. “Well, this is cozy.”

“Cut the crap,” Linc muttered. “What brings you here? Is Chloe okay?”

“Yeah,” Beck answered immediately because he wouldn’t let Linc think anything was wrong with his sister. “But she’s not herself. I’m not sure I’d say she’s depressed, but she’s down for sure.”

Linc stiffened. “How can you be sure? You barely know her,” he said through clenched teeth.

“Linc.” Jordan rose and walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Let him explain without biting his head off.”

Beck flashed her an appreciative smile. “I know because Chloe hasn’t left my apartment, and she doesn’t seem to have motivation to do anything more. Even when Aurora came over, Chloe enjoyed herself, but she definitely didn’t think about going out while she was there. Maybe because they had the baby, I don’t know. But I thought you should know.”

Linc nodded, taking in Beck’s words. “She needs her family, which is what I said from the minute that bastard left her at the altar,” he muttered.

“But she’s an adult and made her choice to stay with me. I’m just giving you the courtesy

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