Just One Night Together (Flatiron Five Fitness #3) - Deborah Cooke Page 0,9

had been a while. She told herself to lighten up.

It was just a massage lesson.

She’d had more than one chance to back out or have it elsewhere. She wanted to prove Damon’s expectations of her wrong, didn’t she?

As taking chances went, this was a pretty low risk.

There were three cabs lined up outside the door and Haley saw that the driver in the first one was Joe. He was reading a newspaper, but folded it away when he saw her, then gave her a wave and started the engine.

There were four cabbies who regularly waited for fares at the hospital and Joe was one of them. He was older, a teacher who had started driving a cab after his retirement. When Haley asked why, he said it was better than driving school buses. She knew that wasn’t the full story, but respected his privacy.

“New friend?” Joe asked when they got in and Haley saw him surveying Damon in the rearview mirror.

“Yes,” Haley said simply, seeing no reason to lie and less to elaborate. She jingled her keys. “You know the way, Joe.”

“You need anything, Haley?” the older man asked.

“No. Everything’s just fine.” She smiled. “Thanks for asking.”

Haley could see that Joe’s curiosity wasn’t satisfied but he didn’t ask any more questions. It only took a few minutes to get to her building—it actually was further to drive, as they had to go around the park instead of across it—and he stopped in front of her building. Damon paid the fare before she could, then got out and opened her door for her. Joe nodded approval of that, then he was gone, heading back to the taxi line at the hospital.

Haley was keenly aware of Damon’s presence behind her as she unlocked the security door. The elevator felt very small with him in that space with her and she couldn’t think of one casual comment to make. On her floor, she was sure all of her neighbors were taking a look out their peepholes. She could just guess what conclusions they’d be making. It was easy to remember college, when people had talked about her and Garrett. Of course, she had routinely snuck him into her room, although it had hardly been a secret. Everyone in her dorm had known. Haley felt herself begin to blush that she had ever been notorious and walked a little faster.

It was a relief to step inside her apartment and lock the door behind them. Haley flicked on a light and moved to draw the shade over the one big window. She hung up her coat and Damon did the same, and she felt him surveying her home.

What did it look like to him?

Practical? Austere? It was pretty plain and functional, but Haley had never seen a lot of reason to accumulate stuff. What if the next course she took was only offered on the other side of the country? She liked the freedom of being able to just go. In this particular moment, though, she wished she had at least a colorful throw cushion or two.

Her apartment made her look boring, too. Predictable. Bland. She took a deep breath, wishing she could be other than she was, and slanted a glance at Damon. He seemed enormous in her apartment, larger than life, dominating the space.

Male, all male.

Not any less impressive than on the billboard ad.

Of course, he wasn’t going to make a move on her. Why would he?

Should she make a move on him instead?

The idea caught fire in Haley’s thoughts, challenging her to be the kind of woman she wanted to be. Just because she didn’t want love, marriage, and family didn’t mean that she couldn’t have sex.

Wild sex with no strings attached.

With a gorgeous man.

One night.

Could Haley ask for what she wanted?

Did she dare?

Damon had seen barracks furnished with more flair than Haley’s apartment. It was clean and tidy to the point of severity, furnished in basic beige. The hardwood floor was clean. The kitchen counter was clean. There wasn’t one thing out of place. He wondered if the supplies in the kitchen cupboards were arranged alphabetically. The bookshelf was tidy. Even the basket of knitting wool, the only spot of color, was neatly organized.

He was aware that Haley was uncomfortable with his presence in her sanctuary and felt the need to reassure her. It was just a lesson. He wasn’t averse to one-nighters and he wouldn’t have refused one with Haley, but he understood that wasn’t her style.

She’d made an exception.

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