Just One Night Together (Flatiron Five Fitness #3) - Deborah Cooke Page 0,88

plan. She felt at ease with them and didn’t think that she fumbled any of the interview questions.

She’d just been wondering what she’d do the rest of the day when she heard Garrett.

Of course, he wouldn’t leave their meeting to chance.

Garrett was big on making his own luck.

She figured she had her mom to thank for Garrett knowing about her interview. He’d probably timed his appearance in the lobby to coincide with her departure. No doubt his plan was to see her after the interview rather than before, when she might be nervous. Garrett planned for all the variables.

“Haley Slater! Is that you?” he called, his deep voice booming through the hospital lobby. Haley was sure that every person within half a mile turned to look.

She pivoted to face him and tried to look surprised, as if she hadn’t been both expecting and dreading this meeting since getting out of Brad’s truck. “Garrett! What a surprise. You’re looking well.”

That was an understatement. He looked fabulous. Garrett had always been tall and handsome, but now he was a successful man. He’d filled out a little and had a touch of silver at his temples. He still had a killer smile and the looks of a movie star. That confidence oozed from every pore. People turned to look at him wherever he went, drawn by some magnetism he possessed. He managed to look handsome, glamorous and purposeful as he strode toward her, a stethoscope around his neck and a chart under his arm. Haley couldn’t keep her body from responding to the sight.

Oh, how she had loved this man. Did she still? Her heart squeezed tightly as he bent to kiss her cheek. She remembered the feel of his whiskers against her skin in the morning, the weight of his hand on her hip as he slept, the secretive little smile he gave her when he was thinking something naughty. She closed her eyes as she caught a whiff of that cologne he wore, the one that still curled her toes, then he looked intently into her eyes just the way he always did. She’d teased him that he could read her thoughts whenever he looked at her like that. It still took her breath away.

Blue, blue, blue. A thousand hues of blue. And that concentrated concern. It was like looking into the sun. Haley’s mouth went dry.

Garrett could still do it. He could still make her feel like she was the only person of importance on the planet and the center of his universe. That look still turned her knees to butter and made her heart do somersaults. Her palms were damp, as if she was sixteen all over again.

Was this kismet?

Haley tried to remind herself that he’d dumped her for Krista and failed.

She remembered instead that he was divorced.

“Haley,” he murmured, his voice warm. His gaze swept over her and filled with admiration. “You look fantastic. How did the interview go?”

Haley blinked. Of course, he knew why she was at the hospital. Her mom had probably told him everything. “Well enough, I think.”

“Well enough,” he echoed, shaking his head. “You and your modesty. It’s like a breath of fresh air. Still an idealist believing the good guys have to win?”

“Doesn’t everyone think that?”

Garrett laughed. “Do you have time for a coffee with an old friend?” He’d already claimed her elbow and was guiding her toward the coffee shop.

Haley felt her brows rise and she said something she would never have said before. “Old friend?” she echoed lightly. “Is that what we are?”

“Aren’t we friends, Haley?” His sidelong gaze was piercing and very blue.

Haley looked down, her feelings mixed. “I think most women would have less than fond memories of a fiancé who married someone else,” she said with care.

“But we weren’t really engaged,” he protested.

“Funny. I thought we were.”

“But that was just between us, Haley. We hadn’t announced it. I hadn’t bought a ring.” He smiled, as if that explained everything, but Haley’s stomach twisted.

She remembered his insistence that they choose the rings after his residency was finished.

She sat down, her thoughts spinning, and he got them both a coffee. He charmed the woman behind the counter and Haley didn’t think he paid for the coffees. She wasn’t surprised that he remembered how she liked hers, because the man had a photographic memory.

Was it possible that Garrett wasn’t perfect after all?

Haley knew that Damon wouldn’t have played word games like that. He did what he said he was going to

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