Just One Night Together (Flatiron Five Fitness #3) - Deborah Cooke Page 0,82

she felt that her brother was deciding for her all the same.

Garrett was divorced... Her heart fluttered and she halfway wished Brad hadn’t told her.

No. It was better to be warned.

Haley hadn’t had the jitters about the interview, but this news had fixed that. There was a whole fleet of butterflies in her stomach.

Brad turned down the street to the house. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you had no intention of taking a job here,” he said. “Which makes no sense since it’s supposedly the job you’ve always wanted.” He gave her another of those intent looks as he pulled into the driveway. “Unless of course there’s a specific reason you want to stay in New York.”

“I like my job. That’s a pretty good reason.”

“Besides your job,” Brad said and Haley felt as if he’d caught her in the middle of something one more time. Her big brother had always been too perceptive. “Like a guy.”

He didn’t wait for her answer, but got out of the truck and grabbed her bag, heading for the door as he flicked through his keys. It was one of his favorite moves, to drop a verbal bomb then walk away, leaving the other person to run after him and explain.

“No guy,” Haley said when she caught up to him. She sounded breathless, as if she was lying, and she knew it.

So did Brad. He smiled at her. “I knew it. It’s about time, Haley. He could move here with you, you know. You would be the first one to tell me that the guy’s job doesn’t decide everything.”

“No, that wouldn’t work. He’s a partner in a business...” Haley bit her tongue and fell silent.

“No guy officially, but a guy all the same.” Brad shook his head. “You’re not the kind to play games, Haley, not with Mom and not with this guy. Decide what you really want and don’t screw with anyone else’s expectations. It doesn’t suit you.”

“That’s not my intention,” she said, meaning every word and hearing her own vehemence. “I just don’t know about this job yet.”

Brad studied her for a long moment, then nodded. “And maybe you don’t know about him. Fair enough. At least I know you won’t take long to decide. It’s just not in you to dither.” He bumped her shoulder companionably. “And I’m glad to hear the news that isn’t news. Mom will be talking up Garrett, but between you and me, I never thought he deserved you.”

Haley blinked, because she was sure that everyone thought Garrett was amazing—and that she’d made a big mistake letting him ‘slip away.’ She eyed Brad. “Really?”

“Really. You like to do things for people. You’re nice. He likes to be the center of the world. I wasn’t sure who was going to take care of you in that relationship.” Brad nodded then opened the door, raising his voice to a shout. “Anybody home? Haley’s here!”

There was a squeal of excitement and Haley was surrounded by her excited nieces and nephew before she could even get past the foyer. She glimpsed Brad and Katie in their features and her heart twisted in a strange new way.

She’d never thought much about having kids. Motherhood had never been her objective even with Garrett. A career was something she could count on. But as she was swept into what Brad cheerfully called domestic chaos, Haley felt a yearning for something absent from her life.

Maybe a good job and an ornery cat wasn’t enough.

Garrett was divorced.


All of the partners were present at the Wednesday night business meeting at F5F, since Kyle and Theo had flown back for Natasha’s funeral. Damon was a little self-conscious about causing so much disruption, but they expressed their sympathy and asked what they could do to help.

It was just as Haley had said. They really did have his back.

Damon couldn’t even count the number of times they insisted he should have told them.

He’d brought the final plans for the layout of F5F West, and that was the first order of business. They pored over the plans and Cassie planned the opening even as Ty crunched the costs for the construction. After the ideas were discussed and changes decided upon, Damon cleared his throat.

“There’s one more thing I have to tell you,” he admitted.

“The biter,” Kyle said, wagging a finger at him. “Who is she?” Everyone laughed but Damon didn’t answer.

He folded his hands together and his manner made them all sober. “I never told you that I was USMC.

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