Just One Night Together (Flatiron Five Fitness #3) - Deborah Cooke Page 0,78


She could almost hear Damon saying that she was making the cat a new project. She liked projects. Maybe she did need one.

Maybe the cat would have to do.

“Wait. Let me read from the memo.” Her mom cleared her throat, then named the hospital where she worked. “‘We are seeking a candidate to lead a revolutionary new program to explore alternative healing options and implement them in our facility.’” Haley blinked and started to listen more intently as her mom continued. “‘The successful candidate will have a solid understanding of such therapeutic options as well as experience in supplementing patient care with such strategies. The successful candidate will be expected to build a team and to operate independently of specific departments in the hospital, creating programs to benefit all patients and consulting to all departments in our facility.’ And then there’s a list of credentials that sounds like your résumé, Haley.”

“Wow,” Haley said, because her mom expected it and because it was true. “That sounds like a dream job.”

“Listen to the compensation,” her mom said, then read some more.

Haley straightened. She’d be able to buy a house herself on a salary like that, at least in a small town in Illinois. “Huh,” she said, not wanting to show too much enthusiasm.

Was it time to move?

“It’s perfect for you and it’s right here in town. You could move back here and we could see each other all the time.”

“Is that supposed to be a good thing or not?” Haley teased and her mom laughed.

“That’s what Brad said!”

They laughed together.

“It sounds amazing, Mom.”

“They could have written this memo with you in mind, dear.”

Haley could hear that her mom was bursting to ask if she’d apply. She bit her lip. What was holding her in New York? Not a whole lot. “I have the cat now,” she said, while she was thinking.

“So you said. He looks grumpy.”

“He is, pretty much.”

Her mom chuckled. “If anyone is going to turn him into a purring pussycat, it’ll be you.”

“So far, he’s not big on being touched, but we’re still getting used to each other.”

“You’ll wear him down, Haley. You always triumph.”

Haley stopped herself before she could confess anything about Damon. She thought of the service for his mom and decided that she wasn’t going to go unless he specifically invited her.

Maybe taking a chance with Damon had just been enough to show her what she was missing—or what she was denying herself by always playing it safe.

Maybe her mom was right and it was time for a fresh start. Haley wasn’t sure, but she was ready to take another chance.

“Can you email that memo to me?” she asked. “I’d like to apply.”

“I just knew it!” her mom said.

“No pulling strings for me,” Haley said but her mom was dismissive.

“You don’t need help with this, Haley. You’re ideal for this job and I reserve the right to tell anyone so who asks me.”

Haley smiled, knowing that was the best offer she’d get from her mom.

Apparently, Haley was perfect for the job. She had an email from the human resources department at the hospital at two minutes after nine on Monday morning. They wanted to schedule a telephone interview, which Haley booked for Wednesday afternoon, her day off, so she wouldn’t be watching the clock

She thought it went well, then knew it when she received another email Thursday morning. The HR person wanted to arrange an interview in person and asked to coordinate with Haley’s shifts. They were going to book flights for her to come for the interview.

Apparently, they had some budget to fill this position.

By dinner time Friday night, Haley was booked for three days in the Midwest. She was flying out the following Wednesday. Her brother Brad was going to pick her up and she’d stay overnight at the house—which he was in the midst of buying from her mom. She’d have the interview Thursday and fly home Friday afternoon. Her mom wanted her to stay over the weekend, since she had it off, but Haley had one of those days off for a reason.

She had something to do.

It might very well be the last time she was able to visit her dad on his birthday.

Even that thought made her clench up inside, but she had a feeling it was time for change.

When she asked for the extra time, her boss suggested that she take all of the following week, since her unused vacation was adding up. Haley agreed.

She hadn’t heard a thing from Damon,

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