Just One Night Together (Flatiron Five Fitness #3) - Deborah Cooke Page 0,41

took the elevator up to the floor where the massage classes were held, and even the tranquil atmosphere didn’t calm her down much. She wasn’t the first to arrive, and the other two women there were quick to introduce themselves. There were nine people gathered for the class before the teacher arrived.

It wasn’t Damon.

Haley didn’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed.

No. She knew. She was disappointed.

“Good afternoon, everyone,” the instructor said with a bright smile. “I see we have some new faces today. I’m Liz.” She waved to them all and the regulars waved back. “Since we do have some new people with us, let’s take a quick review of what each of you already knows and what you want to learn. I was thinking that we might talk about meridians today, but let’s find out what you think...”

Haley had emailed her schedule to her mom, like she always did, so she wasn’t surprised when her phone rang on Wednesday night. It was the one evening they were both off that week.

“Hot date tonight?” her mom asked, just like always.

“No way. I’m thinking bubble bath.” Haley didn’t have to pretend to yawn. She’d slept so little the night before that she was exhausted. “How about you?”

“Same for me.” Her mother laughed and they talked about work in their respective hospitals for a few minutes. Head nurses were always on a power trip, it seemed, doctors were always self-absorbed and patients were alternatively annoying and delightful. Her mom asked her then about her research, and Haley told her about her new massage skills.

“You know,” her mom said and Haley sat straighter. She knew that tone and it was always followed by a suggestion. Usually one she didn’t welcome. “They’re creating a post here for someone to head up a new complementary therapies program. The idea is that the nurse would build a team of health care professionals with skills in various therapies, then liaise with all departments and offer the services of her team as needed. There’d be a lot of education involved, both of patients and their families, and of the other staff. It sounds like it would be perfect for you.”

“Except I live in New York. It would be quite a commute.”

Her mom sighed. “That’s easily changed, isn’t it?”

“I like it here, Mom.”

“Why? It’s not like you have a lot of personal connections, Haley. Your friends from your master’s program have all moved elsewhere.”


“You work, a lot, and you could work a lot here but be closer to your family.” Her mom paused and Haley braced herself. “I miss you.”

Haley smiled. “You just think that if I come home I’ll find a nice guy and give you more grandchildren.”

“The idea did occur to me.” Her mom cleared her throat. “There are several very nice new doctors on staff. Single.”

“I like it here, Mom,” Haley repeated, not wanting to wade into that mess.

“I don’t believe it. You’re surviving there. I understood when you went back for the master’s, but you’ve earned that degree. Come home, Haley.”

“This is home.”

“A studio apartment furnished at Goodwill? No, Haley, that’s not home.”

“It’s home for me.” Even as she said the words, Haley looked around the apartment and saw it as a stranger might. It wasn’t a personal space.

She was always ready to go, but she hadn’t gone anywhere in a while.

Maybe it was time to change that.

Her mom ignored her comment. “It’s a great position, Haley. The salary is really good and it’s perfect for you. You’d be the ideal candidate, if you’d just apply.”

“I don’t want to move.”

Her mom paused. “Oh. Are you seeing someone?”

“No,” Haley said because it was true. Having sex with Damon, even if there was a possibility it could happen again, wasn’t what her mom was talking about. “But I have a cat now.” She didn’t know why she said that. It wasn’t true.

“A cat. That’s what counts as family now? A cat and a job? That’s a life?” Her mom made a disapproving sound. “Haley, you know there’s more to life than that. You’re not getting any younger, and I want to see you happy.”

“But I am happy, Mom. I’m just not doing what you think I should be doing. That’s different from being unhappy.”


Haley knew she’d never convince her mom to understand her view, so she used a familiar argument. “You’re the one who taught me that the right man was worth waiting for.”

Her mom sighed. “Are you meeting anyone?”

“Yes. I went to a gym downtown

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