Just One Night Together (Flatiron Five Fitness #3) - Deborah Cooke Page 0,30

Very pretty. Also in excellent shape.

Haley searched some more but she didn’t find much more about Damon. She scrolled through all the Facebook profiles for that name and was pretty sure he didn’t have one. None of the pictures were of him, and while he could have used an image or a logo, she didn’t think any of them looked right. The F5F Facebook page had the billboard of him that she’d seen before as well as one of the blond guy who was a partner, too. Get Wet at F5F instead of Get Hard at F5F.

Haley considered paying for a check as to whether he had a police record and decided she was getting carried away. She needed some sleep. She shut down her laptop and started to pull out the bed, then she remembered the gift bag.

It had no tag, but the bag said Happy New Year. She tugged out the tissue paper and found three bottles of lotion in the bottom.

And a card with the F5F logo.

Haley’s heart was in her mouth as she turned it over to find that familiar handwriting.

I wanted to say thanks, but you were busy.

Give me a call.


Below that was a telephone number.

It was the proverbial offer she couldn’t refuse.

“Hello?” Damon heard the tension in his own voice and regretted it as soon as the caller replied.

“Hi. I’m sorry. I never think about the time before I call anyone.” Haley sounded contrite. “Did I wake you up?”

Damon exhaled. “No. I thought you might call before the morning.”

“Did you?”

He sat up straighter at the uncertainty in her voice. “And I’m glad you did.”

“Are you?”

He heard the smile in her voice and found himself smiling. “Yes, I am.”

“Well, thank you for the massage lotions.”

“That’s pretty much the only equipment you need.”

“It was thoughtful. Thank you.”

“Thanks for stopping in to see my mom. They said you really helped.”

“I hope so. She did go to sleep.”

There was a long silence then, and Damon didn’t know what to say. He didn’t want Haley to hang up, though, because the sound of her voice was the most reassuring thing he could imagine.

No, there was one more thing that would be more reassuring.

“Well, I’d better go and get some sleep,” she said. “Thanks again and happy new year.”

Damon cleared his throat. “Actually, there’s something else.”


“I wanted to thank you in another way, a better way.”

“Better than a present?” she asked, laughter in her voice.

He dropped his voice to a growl. “Better than a present. I want to make you scream again.”


Damon smiled. “You’re blushing.”

“How do you know that?”

“I can hear you blushing.”

“You can’t!”

“I can. Are you?”

“Well, yes, but you can’t hear that.” She sounded flustered, which just proved that her composure could be shaken. Damon liked that, a lot.

He liked even better that he could reliably do it.

“I’ve never been able to hear it before, but you seem to be able to blush in a special way.”

She was silent for a moment. “Is that good or bad?”

“It’s sexy.” He drawled the word and was pretty sure she blushed some more.

“You talk like that and I’m going to want to bite you,” she said, sounding breathless.

“I think I need a matched set of marks. You want to help out?”

“Start the new year off with a bang?” she asked.

Damon laughed. “Something like that. Maybe a moan or a muffled scream.”

“You’re wicked. Maybe even dangerous.”

“I’m trying to be.”

She caught her breath and Damon hoped. “How soon can you get here?” she asked, all in a rush.

He smiled. “I’m on my way.”


Sex with Damon could easily become an addiction.

Haley threw off her clothes and raced to the shower. If he took a cab, she’d only just be able to clean up after what had seemed like an endless shift. She didn’t take the time to wash her hair, but hurried out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. She looked around the apartment, thinking it looked a bit plain and dimmed the lights. It was the best she could do on such short notice to make it look more welcoming.

Maybe she should get some candles and cushions.

Or would Damon notice and think she was primping the place for him? She didn’t even have a television, although the last thing she wanted to do with him was watch sitcoms.

She was wondering what to wear when the buzzer sounded from the lobby.

Her heart skipped as if she was a teenager with a crush. “Hi,” she said, trying to sound calm.

“Hi.” One word and it was

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