Just One Night Together (Flatiron Five Fitness #3) - Deborah Cooke Page 0,24

was back in New York until the end of the week, then going back to California to work with Theo in planning the new branch of F5F in San Francisco.

Kyle was practically sparkling.

“And exhausting every metaphor known to mankind,” Cassie muttered, then winked at Damon.

“You can tell that he and Lauren have been catching up,” Damon said and Cassie laughed.

“That is none of your business,” Kyle said.

“But we have to live with the after-effects. You’re exhausting when you’re jubilant, you know,” Cassie said.

“That’s not what Lauren says,” Kyle replied with a wicked smile.

“Are you going to share this idea or do we have to guess?” Damon asked.

Kyle spun around to face him. “I love this one.”

“He’s like Tigger, isn’t he?” Cassie asked Meesha. “His own personal fan club.”

“Thank God there’s only one,” she replied deadpan and they all laughed.

“You don’t even want to know!” Kyle complained, throwing out his hands. “My genius is wasted here. At least Theo appreciates me.”

“He just wants to tell us soon so he can get to Lauren’s place before dinner,” Damon murmured to Cassie.

“Mr. Quickie. Some things never change.” Cassie shook a finger at Kyle. “You’d better be back here by nine. The club is going to be nuts tonight.”

“I know it,” Kyle said with obvious delight, and Damon had a moment to think that he was out of his partner’s sights before Kyle looked him in the eye. “Like you don’t know anything about skipping out early for a little....affection,” he said. “Mr. Friday Night at Five. How is the scrumptious Natasha?”

“Fine.” Damon felt his gut tighten but he kept his tone impassive. “What’s your great idea?”

“Aha!” Kyle jumped off the desk triumphantly. “A diversion from Damon. There’s more to know about Natasha, Cassie.”

“He isn’t going to share with us,” she replied. “Just the way I’m starting to think you aren’t going to share this great idea.”

“Maybe Natasha doesn’t exist,” Kyle mused.

“Maybe your great idea doesn’t exist,” Damon countered. The last thing he wanted to do was confide in Kyle about his mom. Fortunately, he had an idea how to stop his partner’s curiosity. He went to the change room behind the office, leaving the door ajar, and opened his locker. He didn’t even glance back as he peeled off his T-shirt, but he knew Kyle was looking.

Kyle’s crow of delight made it clear. “Teeth!” he cried, much as Damon had expected. “Natasha has teeth!” He was immediately behind Damon, his fingertip running over the place where Haley had bitten his shoulder during her release. The memory of her quivering in his arms was enough to tighten Damon’s jeans.

“And sharp little claws,” Kyle continued, noting where she’d dug in her fingernails. “I guess she does exist.”

Damon pulled a clean shirt over his head then turned to meet Kyle’s gaze. “While your idea…?”

“Well, it seems kind of anticlimactic to throw it out now.”

“Ha ha.”

Kyle pivoted to appeal to Cassie. “Did you see that? She exists!”

Cassie rolled her eyes and shut down the computer. “So, neither one of you has cause for complaint when it comes to love and romance. Can I go now?”

Kyle immediately flung his arm around her shoulders. “Oh, poor Cassie. All alone in the big, bad city with no one to keep her warm at night. I’ll find you a guy.”

“No. If you like him, I won’t.”

“You like me.”

“Because I was never stupid enough to date you.”

Kyle grinned. “I’ll ask Lauren to find you a guy.”

“She got stuck with you,” Cassie retorted and poked Kyle in the gut. “I’m thinking she didn’t have many options.”

“Thank you very much.” Kyle pretended to be insulted, but he practically preened when he talked about Lauren. It was clear to all of the partners—even Ty, who was Lauren’s big brother—that Kyle had finally met his match and would be busy keeping Lauren happy for the rest of his days—and nights.

“Check the big screen,” Meesha said, referring to the screen that displayed the feed from the club’s social media. “They’re shipping you with everyone from Theo to George Clooney.” One of her jobs was to encourage participation from the members, and one of their favorite challenges was creating potential relationships for the partners. Cassie’s romantic situation was always a popular thread and Damon was glad to keep a low profile in that forum.

“Should I be flattered?” Cassie asked.

“Come on!” Meesha said, almost as exuberant as Kyle. “Treat yourself tonight and check it out. It’ll take you a while. The list of dream dates for you is long.”


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