Just One Glance (Oh Tequila #5) - C.A. Harms Page 0,47

I didn’t miss how his gaze roamed over my legs and then moved back up to meet my own.

The way he looked at me, it made me feel desirable. That was something I’d never felt before. It was such a high. I wasn’t the seductive type, but he made me feel like I could be. A shift in my thoughts, the way my body reacted when he was near, I loved how he made me feel and he hadn’t even touched me. We’ve not even kissed.

“I enjoy action movies, thrillers too. Thought maybe you’d want something different.”

With that I turned completely around and held out the movie I’d chosen to bring with a big smile on my face.

“Honestly?” He chuckled and slid to the end of his bed, standing up. His shirt pulled tight over his chest and it was my turn to look him over appreciatively. “Saw?”

When he grabbed the case and looked up at me, I shrugged. “I’m sure you’ve seen it more than ten times but―” Looking back at his collection, I just felt stupid.

“Not for a long time.” I met his gaze once more, sure he was only saying that for my benefit. Stepping in even closer, he placed his hand on my hip and his smile took on that cocky little tip at the side. That one look alone made the excitement in me soar. “I expected a chick flick.”

“You sound disappointed.”

Again he grinned and his eyes shifted toward my lips. My pulse quickened and I was silently begging for him to just kiss me already. I’d dreamt of it, imagined it so many times over the last week that at this point I was about to just take it myself.

But before I could, he lifted his hand and oh so softly skimmed the pad of his thumb over my lower lip. “I was willing to watch anything if it meant you were here to watch it with me.” His words were nothing more than a whisper. “But this is good.” What? The movie or the way he was looking at me, holding me? “Horror movies mean that I have an excuse to hold you close.” With that he pulled me in closer, my chest now pressing to his.

“You need an excuse?”

Narrowing his gaze he stared at me, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

Just live. Let go of any hesitation and just feel.

“Not at all.” He tilted his head, his eyes remained lock on my own as if weighing out my reaction. Carefully he continued forward, his lips getting so close to my own. “I don’t want to scare you off again.”

I placed my palm to his chest and glided it upward to hook the back of his neck, pulling slightly. “I’m not going anywhere.”

He came without any hesitation and the second his lips touched mine I swore I felt a rush of electricity race through me. I knew it was more nerves and whole lot of satisfaction but electric current was the best way to describe the rush.

The hand on my hip slid around, circling my waist, and he held me tightly. I tugged his hair at the nape of his neck and he groaned as he cupped my ass with his other hand. His lips danced over mine, sucking and nibbling. When his tongue licked over my lower lip I opened to him and he deepened the kiss.

My head felt fuzzy, any rational thoughts escaped me. I had never been kissed like this.

When he backed me toward the bed I didn’t feel fear, only need.

When he lowered me to the mattress and with one hand hooked around my waist, he hauled me upward, I gripped him tighter. Moans filled the room, a mixture of mine and hiss when I wrapped my legs around his waist. This only created the perfect place for him to settle between my thighs.

I felt him against me, pressing hard, and it only managed to heighten my hunger. When he shifted his hips I pulled back, panting. I found him watching me.

“We should put that movie in.” I sensed his inner battle, but he didn’t move, and it could be because I had yet to release him, but partly because he felt it too. That connection, that desire to keep going.

Closing the distance once more, he kissed me, this time slow before pulling away once again. “There’s no rush, right?”

What was meant to sound like a reassuring statement came out in more of a question.

“I like kissing you.” The confession

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