Just One Glance (Oh Tequila #5) - C.A. Harms Page 0,34

looked away from Ethan and found that Emelie was looking directly at me.

“I don’t know you that well, Jay, but from what I do know I can tell you aren’t a bad guy.”

A silence settled between us, with only the sounds of her son playing with his toy and mumbling as he did.

“If the phone isn’t working then maybe you should go to her. Maybe you should take away her choice to hide behind a text and force her to tell you why she’s avoiding you. It’s better than driving yourself crazy.” Emelie shrugged just before the door opened and out stepped Clay. Of course like most guys in this house he gave me the stink eye because I was occupying his girl’s time.

Emelie stood and passed her son off to Clayton.

“Even if it’s something you don’t want to hear, at least you’ll know.”

And with that she walked inside and left me alone with Clay. “Nothing worth your time is easy. All the great things take time and dedication.”

Clayton had changed, I’d seen it. Hell, we’d all seen it. He chose to love a girl and her son without pause. He’d been thrust into the life of a dad and he was good at it. The love he had for Em and Ethan no one could deny.


I stood outside of the dorm Isaac had told me Ruby’s friend Darcy lived in. Somehow setting up camp outside of the Dean’s house felt like a bad idea.

The sounds of laughter echoed as a group of girls walked up the sidewalk. Hope shot through me that one of the girls may be Ruby but I was left disappointed. However Darcy was there.

Standing, I gained the attention of a couple of them and one by one they slowly all saw me waiting. Darcy noticed, watched, and then a smile stretched out over her lips. She said something to the group and they all walked off, leaving her standing there alone.

“Well, if it isn’t the infamous Jay Grady.” I didn’t bite back, instead I waited for her to give me more. “If you’re looking for Ruby, you won’t find her here.”

“Where can I find her?”

“You surprise me.” She ticked her tongue as she walked closer, pausing with only a few feet left between us. “I figured you’d be entertaining another female. Or is it all about the chance and your itch has not been scratched because you didn’t get in her panties, so you’re still hanging around? Holding on to that hope maybe?”

“She won’t call me back.”

“And you don’t know how to accept rejection.” Darcy pouted and shook her head. “All you frat boys are the same. Used to everything being so easy for you and when it’s not you just don’t know what to do with yourself.”

“You act like you know me so well.” I tried not to grow pissed that this chick acted as though she had me all figured out.

“You’re all the same.”

Scorned bitch, who’d guess.

“If she’s not calling you back, it’s because she’s not interested.”

Coming here was a bad idea, I knew that now.

Turning around, I started to walk away and paused when she called to my retreating back. “She actually believed for a short second that you were a sweet guy who actually wanted to get to know her.” Turning to look back at her, I fisted my hands at my sides. “That night after your date I had to remind her that all college guys are the same, they only truly wanted one thing. Ruby’s a sweet girl, and yes, I thought you would be good for her, help her face reality in a way. But now I just feel bad for sitting back letting her believe that something could develop between you and her. It’s my job as her best friend to keep her head out of the clouds.”

“So because her best friend is a scorned bitch who got wrapped up with the wrong kind of guys you have to convince her that she’s done the same? It’s your job to make her a judgmental asshole just like you are?” I’d give it to the girl, she didn’t even flinch when I fired back. “Thank God she has you on her side, encouraging her to live her life and enjoy it. What would she do without you?”

I didn’t waste time listening to the things she shouted after me as I walked away. What would be the point? She’d already categorized me and nothing I said or did would

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