Just One Glance (Oh Tequila #5) - C.A. Harms Page 0,26

“How’s Rob’s face?” Did he deserve it? No, but fuck, it was an unstoppable reaction. The second his fist connected with Ruby I flew into defensive mode.

“You chipped his tooth and he had to get four stitches in his lip. The scar could look badass one day but right now he just looks like he got his ass handed to him. The other guy came out looking like a king, and from what I’ve heard, he’s taking credit for your handiwork.”

Part of me felt bad, but it was a very small part.

“Who was the girl?” When I didn’t answer him right away he chuckled and I knew that even if I tried to recover he’d already picked up on my interest in her. “She looked a little too innocent for our parties, never seen her around her before.”

Again I say nothing.

“Her friend Darcy’s one a few of the guys know well.” To be honest I wasn’t a big fan of her friend. After she left Ruby alone at a party she obviously didn’t want to be at, my opinion was instantly formed.

“Ruby.” Her name suited her, so pure.

“Clay said she threw up all over your bed.” Again he laughed. “Rob feels bad, you know he’d never hit a girl.” Maybe not, but he did, and it was the wrong one. “Have you checked on her?”

I’d scoured Facebook, looking for any Ruby that might be her, and had come up empty. After I led her to her friend’s car, I tucked her inside and stood back while they drove off. My anger was still overshadowing my judgment and by the time I’d realized I hadn’t gotten her number it was too late.

“Don’t have her number, or her last name.”

Isaac said nothing, but his movements at my side gained my full attention. Lifting his ass up off the couch, he reached in his back pocket and pulled out his phone. I watched as he tapped away and then lifted it to his ear.

“How is she?” He paused and waited while listening to whoever it was on the opposite end of the phone. “Big lug is worried about her, but realized he never got her number.” What the fuck?

“Stop being a bitch and give me her number.” I arched a brow and waited. “Why?”

He glanced in my direction and I could tell by his sour look that whatever he was hearing was going to cause me a bump in the road. Of course, nothing is ever smooth sailing for me.

“All right, well, would you at least tell her that Jay is asking about her and would like to talk to her?”

My stomach was in knots but I tried not to show that I was nervous.

“Okay and―” Before he could finish the call ended and he pulled the phone away, laughing. “Darcy will tell her.”


I should have known already that when Isaac said some of the guys knew her well that he was one of those guys.

“She doesn’t like me much.” He shrugged. “I forgot to call her after.”

“Great, so you fucked over Ruby’s friend.” I’d never hear from her now.

“She was a participating party and not once did I make any promises.” Our fraternity president was a whore. “Besides, I think you’ve got bigger problems than her friend hating me.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, brother―” He slid forward and patted me on the shoulder almost sympathetically. “It would seem that you’ve developed a little crush on the Dean’s daughter.”

My stomach felt like it dropped and my legs went weak. No fucking way.

“I can see that conversation now.” Isaac could barely contain his laughter. “Dad, I’d like you to meet Jay, my boyfriend. He’s known around campus for his special dance moves, you may have heard of them. Hashtag, dicksaswinging. It was all over campus social media. He’s famous.”

I said nothing as he stood up and walked out of the room hollering to anyone that would listen that Jay’s girl is the Dean of the school’s daughter.

Like I said before, nothing in my life is ever fucking easy.

Chapter Eighteen


“There was a fight in the movie theater?” I nodded, doing my best to hide behind the fallen hair that was shadowing my face. “Over what?”

“A girl, I think, I don’t really know.”

“How did you manage to get in the middle of it?”

I’d lied before, but this one was so out there. I had told him I was going to dinner and a movie with Darcy. He’d not really liked that idea, but he never argued.

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