Just One Glance (Oh Tequila #5) - C.A. Harms Page 0,18

in time to head out for the weekend and wipe out #3, #5, #6 and if you are lucky #10.

Me: Stop texting me.

Nothing followed and I’d just laid my phone down when it began to ring. Her name flashed across the screen.


Her laughter irritated me, but I did my best to keep my voice down. The last thing I needed was for my dad to overhear my conversation.

“You said to stop texting you.” I found myself wondering how she could be so cheery after a night of heavy drinking. Then there was the morning puke fest that followed. She should feel like death, I know I did. “So, about the rest of your list?”

“I’m done with the list.” I never should have allowed her to convince me it was a good idea.

“Um, no.” I half imagined her snarky attitude as she rolled her eyes. “You are not done, which brings me to the purpose of this call.”

“I’m hanging up now.” Pulling the phone away from my ear, I heard her hollering out to me.

“No.” She squealed with laughter. “Try to deny that you enjoyed yourself last night.”

“I hate you.” Okay, there was one point before I became embarrassingly drunk that I was relaxed and carefree.

“Please.” I lay the phone near my ear. “You love me.”

“Whatever.” At this point I didn’t have the energy to argue.

“Thursday, five-fifteen.” I let out a slow easy breath. “It will hurt at first, but you’ll never go back once you’re silky smooth.”

Without a word, I lifted my finger to the button and ended the call. Darcy was a menace, a full out danger to herself and others.

But she was right, I did love her.

1. Rock a pair of heels like the hot girl I am.

2. Get my girlie bits waxed.

3. Share my red lipstick with a gorgeous guy. (That means kiss him)

4. Skip class, because I’m hung over.

5. Forego panties and go dancing in a short dress.

6. Give my number to a random guy.

7. Pick out my favorite nail polish and forget it landed in my handbag while tossing it in the cart. (Shh, it’s not stealing if it’s an accident.)

8. Get a tattoo in a secret hidden location.

9. Pierce something, like a nipple or a further south region.

10. Cash in my innocence, to a well-endowed peer.

Chapter Thirteen


“Spider monkey!” Isaac laughed so hard he had tears rolling down his face. “I’ve never seen a girl climb a guy the way that little one climbed you. She was all hands and legs. Grinding on you on her way up and down.”

He imitated his version of my initial meet up with the missing girl. Somehow taking a tiny red thong around campus trying to find the owner dirtied up the whole Cinderella and the glass slipper fairytale. But I’m not actually sure I ever wanted to see the girl again, not after what she’d gotten me into. Then she ditched me. It was some real fucked up shit.

“Check out this video.” I swiveled around and found Tweedle-dum, also known as Corbin, standing in the doorway. “I think I have it on video.” He thrust his phone out further so Isaac could take it from him and instantly he began laughing. “See, look at the way she’s wrapped round him.”

“Is she biting him?” Xavier did his best to attempt to get a good look before taking the phone from Isaac’s hands.” “Fuck, I bet if you could hear her she’d be growling right now. It’s almost like she’s trying to eat his face.”

They’re all loving my misery entirely too much.

“That guy, though,” Corbin once again interjected. “He looked hungry too. I wonder if he waited until you were all alone before getting a bit for himself.”

I stared at him, watching as he chomped on his apple and slurred his speech around each bite. Dude was always eating.

“You seemed into it though, which I’ll admit surprised me. Never knew you to be all up for the group thing.”

“Are you seriously telling me that you let me leave with some random ape and his side kick?” These were supposed to be my brothers. We watched out for one another, well, beside the crazy pranks we pulled here, but that was different. Outside of our everyday shenanigans we had one another’s back, always, no questions. Or we were supposed to.

“How’s your ass?” Xavier entered the room and flopped down on the couch. “Or were you the giver?” Nothing but seriousness written on his face. No smirk, no twinkle in his eyes,

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