Joy to the Wolves (Red Wolf #1) - Terry Spear Page 0,99

the same of the bathrooms. After checking out the four-bedroom, three-bath home, they sat on a window seat and were doing a Google search for cabin styles they could put up on the property when they heard a pickup arrive. Only it wasn’t Maverick’s pickup. It was somebody else’s.

“It’s Randy Winters,” Josh said. “I bet you anything he’s the one who’s been taking care of the cars.”

Josh and Brooke headed outside, and a redheaded guy with a beard and a big smile greeted them. “So this is the little lady who’s got the whole pack in an uproar, slipping into Ivy’s place, and you’ve been spending all this time with her and never let the rest of the pack know.”

Josh laughed and shook his hand.

Randy looked old enough to be Brooke’s father. He gave her a hug. “Welcome to the pack. And congratulations, you two. I’ve been taking care of the vintage cars and truck since William passed away. Ms. Ivy hired me to look after them since I was always up here tinkering on them with William.”

“Brooke has given the vehicles to me and my brother, but we’ll want to keep you on as our mechanic.”

“That sounds good to me.”

Maverick drove up, pulling the trailer, and the men all helped to load up the Ferrari.

“I’ll go with you to help you park that baby in her new home,” Randy said and went with Maverick to drop off the car.

After they finished moving the vehicles, Brooke and Josh arrived home in time to relieve Adam of his duty so he could go to the pack Christmas party too. Before Adam left the house, Brooke handed him her phone to show him the pictures of the Corvette, the Ferrari, and the truck.

“Those are real treasures.” Adam finished a cup of coffee he’d been drinking. “Did we get through all the items on Ivy’s list then?”

Josh chuckled. “Have you got the treasure hunting bug?”

Adam smiled. “Hell yeah, when the treasure is worth this much.”

Brooke shook her head. “I’m going to get dressed for the party.” She hurried off to her bedroom.

Adam put the empty coffee mug in the dishwasher. “See you tonight before I start my night-shift guard duty.”

“See you at the party, Adam,” Josh said.

When Brooke came out of her bedroom wearing a soft, red sweater dress, Josh looked like he wanted to hug all that softness, but she directed him to the bedroom. “Go get ready.”

He soon came out of the bedroom wearing a red sweater and jeans, and she smiled. “I love that on you. So nice and Christmassy for the party.”

“Thanks. Maverick got it for me. I figured he wanted me to look more festive.”

“Well, we look like a couple.”

He smiled. “That’s just why I wore it.” He gave her a big hug and a kiss, and the way he groaned with the contact between her body and his, she figured he wanted to take her straight to bed instead of taking her anywhere else.

She wouldn’t have minded, but she did need to meet the pack, and the Christmas party provided the perfect opportunity. She smiled up at him, her arms around his neck, her body pressed against his. “I need to meet the pack. Heck, I’ve mated you. I need to let the rest of the bachelor males know I’m with you.”

Josh agreed. “Let’s go.”

She knew he’d have fun with her there, and this party would be different from all the others he’d attended, now that she was his mate. She couldn’t have been more pleased with the way things had turned out. She was excited about seeing everyone and having some Christmas fun, but she still worried about someone breaking into her shop or house.

“A couple of patrolmen are going to keep an eye on both your places,” Josh told her. “They’re not wolves, so they won’t be missing the party.”

“Oh good. You are such an angel.”

He chuckled. “My brother would wholly disagree with that statement.”

She smiled. “I’ll have to ask him about it then.”

“I prefer my version of the stories.”

She laughed and then saw the policeman parking outside her house.

Josh got out of his car and talked to him for a moment, then returned to the car, and they headed south to the ranch.

Brooke was eager to meet everyone at the Christmas party and officially be welcomed to the pack.

She hoped she could remember names. She had brought the Santa suit and Natalie Wood’s coat and hat in garment bags to showcase, and when they Copyright 2016 - 2024