Joy to the Wolves (Red Wolf #1) - Terry Spear Page 0,40

put on something soft and warm for bed.” She wanted to go to bed.

“Which drawer?”

“Top left drawer of the tall chest.”

“Got it.” Josh crossed the room to the tall chest and pulled open the drawer. He didn’t ask which one of her nightclothes she wanted to wear. He just sorted through them and then pulled out a blue pajama set with white owls flying across the soft, warm flannel fabric. He set them on the bed and removed her bra first, then pulled on her flannel top and buttoned it for her. Then he helped her out of her panties and pulled on her pajama bottoms. “Socks? Slippers?”

“Slippers. Wolf. In the closet on the shoe shelf.”

He went into the closet and came out smiling, looking them over. “These are cool.”

“I know they’re kind of silly, but they’re nice and warm.”

“I think they’re great.” After he slipped them on her feet, he helped her up. “Can you walk?”

“Since I was little.”

Josh cast her an elusive smile. “You should be sitting down, taking the weight off your leg. We heal faster than humans, but not instantaneously. Besides, you look pale.” He assisted her into the living room. “Did you want to talk about what happened?”

“Sure. Adam said a sketch artist will be coming.”

“That would be Sierra Redding. She’ll get you through it painlessly.” Josh helped Brooke sit in her favorite recliner. “I’ll be giving her a description too. Adam told me how much of a description you gave of the intruders. I was surprised you could notice that much detail, considering they were shooting at you.”

“I got a good look at them before they started shooting.” She told him about the man who had come to the shop earlier.

Josh told her about the man who had been looking at the boxes she’d set out for the trash earlier.

“So one of them was looking at where the boxes were from maybe.” She shivered.

“How bad are your wounds?”

“Thankfully, they’re flesh wounds. With our enhanced healing abilities, they’ll heal up in a few days.”

Josh said, “Even so, keep checking them to make sure they don’t become infected.”

“I will. Thanks to both of you for coming to my rescue.” Even though the fire was going and the heater was on, she was feeling chilled and wished she’d thought about getting a robe before she left the bedroom. She realized how much she was still getting over the shock of the shoot-out and her injuries and let out her breath. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to get a robe.”

Josh offered, “I’ll get it for you. Where is it?”

“The white fluffy one, hanging near the closet door inside the closet.”

“I’ll be right back.”

Josh was certainly accommodating with her, now that he wasn’t grilling her about the stolen reindeer calf.

He soon returned with her robe and helped her into it. The brothers were smiling at her as she resettled on the recliner.

“What?” she asked.

“You look like a sheep among wolves,” Maverick said.

“I’m a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” she said.

“You sure are. Did you want something warm to drink? Hot cocoa?” Josh asked.

“That would be great. Beers are in the fridge if you guys would like them.” She knew the questioning would begin. Not from Maverick but from his detective brother. She didn’t mind since he was trying to learn what these guys were after, but she was just so tired. She explained the story she and Maverick had made up about her being in her underwear in the attic. “Adam thought the story worked.”

“Sounds good to me. ” Josh made her a hot cocoa while Maverick brought out a couple of beers.

When the cocoa was ready, he handed it to her, and he and Maverick sat down on the sofa and waited to hear her story.

“Did you bite either of the men?” Josh asked her.

“No, I didn’t bite either of the men. Before I shifted, I realized it could be a problem if I turned one of them. Or both. I couldn’t defend myself against them as a helpless human. I thought I might be able to scare them off if they saw a big, ferocious-looking ‘dog’ in the attic, but I was trying to remain hidden behind the antique trunks at first. They were going to shoot off the locks on the trunks, but then my cell phone lit up. One man came around the trunk, and I knew I had to react or get shot.”

“I don’t blame you. The antique trunks. What’s in them?” Josh asked.

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