The Joy of Falling - Lindsay Harrel Page 0,55

hand. “If you want to, that is.”

“Sure. Maybe.” Eva inclined her head toward the finish line in the distance. “Angela and Kylee could be arriving at any moment. We’d better get back.”

Eva spun on her heel and led the way toward her family, who huddled around Angela and Kylee. Oh man, she’d missed their arrival. “Hey, guys. You did it!”

Angela turned, and the frown etched across her face as she stood next to her daughter was in stark contrast to the success Angela should have felt. What was going through her mind?

Eva zeroed in on Kylee, whose eyes were downcast. “Nice work, girl.” She pulled her into a hug.

“Thanks, Aunt Eva.” Kylee stepped away and glared at Angela.

Sherry watched the two who had just finished the race, her eyes seeming to understand the undercurrents of the family dynamics much more than Eva did. “Why don’t you go grab some food? There’s a lot to choose from. Zach and Lilly can help you find the best snacks.”

The youngest siblings nodded with enthusiasm and dragged Kylee off by the arm.

Sherry turned to Angela. “The kids want to do lunch at Isaac’s. Does that sound good to you?”

“Actually, I’m completely toast. Would you mind if we just drove back to the house and had lunch there?”

“Not at all. Or we can pick up something quickly here if you prefer.” Her mother-in-law turned her discerning eye on Eva and Marc. “What about you two?”

Marc had driven the racers into town this morning so they could catch the shuttle out to the racing line, and Eva had planned on riding back with him.

Eva shrugged. “Not sure. We might grab lunch and then come home.”

“I’ve got something in mind.” Marc winked.

Her cheeks felt warm.

Sherry chuckled, and she and Angela walked off in pursuit of the kids.

Walkers and joggers still crossed the finish line every few minutes, but the crowd had thinned considerably. Random cheers punctuated the backdrop of trees, mountains, and the ever-present lake.

Eva quirked an eyebrow at Marc. “So, what did you have in mind exactly?”

He pointed toward the lake. “I overheard some runners talking about cooling off in the lake after the race, and it gave me an idea.”

“You do know that lake is super cold, right?”

His mischievous smile sent a thrill through her. “What do you think?” The breeze ruffled wisps of his normally gelled hair, and Eva had the sudden urge to run her fingers through it.

Remember why you’re here, Eva.

“Sorry, I have no desire to drive back to the house in wet clothes.” Plus, the thought of swimming alone with him . . . Yeah, that wouldn’t be wise given the current train of her thoughts.

He cocked an eyebrow. “You chicken, Jamison?”

Her hands found her hips, and she shot him a saucy glare, edged with teasing. “I know you didn’t just say that to me.”

“Prove it.”

“By swimming in a lake?”

“No. By jumping into it. Off a fifty-foot cliff.” He grinned, likely remembering how she’d always been game to do crazy things with Brent.

But Brent wasn’t here.

And that was the problem, wasn’t it? Because she was. And so was his best friend.

She wanted to jump. And yet where would that lead? What did it really mean to do life without Brent?

A tear trickled down Eva’s cheek.

Marc’s face crumpled. “Oh man, Eva, I didn’t mean to make you cry. Forget I said anything. Let’s just—”

“No, it’s fine. Let’s do it.” She wiped the tear away and straightened.

“Are you sure?”

“No. But . . .” Eva fiddled with the end of her braid. “I want to try.” Did he understand her deeper meaning?

Did she? And would she regret expressing it?

His eyes never left hers as he reached for her hand.

She took it. Her heart picked up speed.

They walked together toward the car, then got in. Marc followed his GPS’s directions for about ten minutes, then pulled off to the side of the road where several other vehicles were parked. “This is it.”

After getting out, they found a short dirt path that cut through the brush and trees. The path led down to several cliffs overlooking the crystal-clear water where a group of men and women stood. One by one, they catapulted themselves off the edge, their jubilant yells echoing all the way down.

As Eva and Marc approached, she saw that plant life clung to the upper edge of the lake all around them, but no rocks blocked the way. Nothing would keep them from jumping.

Nothing but fear.

Marc let go of her hand for a moment Copyright 2016 - 2024