Join the Club - Lani Lynn Vale Page 0,55

here because my secretary emailed and said that we would be meeting here at four in the afternoon for my scheduled time with Asa,” David said, looking perturbed.

I snorted. “A, Asa wouldn’t even be off the bus yet,” I said. “B, I’m fairly sure had you checked your email, you would’ve received one back saying that today, and not any day, was going to work. She doesn’t want you to see Asa. Neither do I.”

“You’re not the child’s father,” David said. “Are you?”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ve done more with that kid than you can even think about. But no, I’m not the child’s father. What I am is his uncle, and I’ll always be here to protect him from people like you. I don’t know what you want, or why you’re really here, but this isn’t going to happen. Take your campaign, and your fake good intentions, and go. Asa doesn’t need this, and I know damn well Delanie doesn’t either.”

“Without me and my money, neither of those girls would be where they are today. I helped them make it, and I sure the hell can take it away,” he growled.

I rolled my eyes again. “You almost helped them ruin their lives. That much I know,” I said. “Now, if you don’t mind, please leave.”

“I’m not leaving,” he said.

“Yes, you are.”

I’d heard the car pull up.

I’d also seen Dillan get out.

I just hadn’t expected her to actually engage her father.

David stiffened and turned to see Dillan standing there, her arms crossed tightly over her chest.

“Dillan,” David pasted on a false, ungenuine smile. “I didn’t see you.”

I rolled my eyes and started up the front walk, bypassing David as I went.

I passed by him closely, though, forcing him backward into the grass.

He gave me an infuriated look, as if touching grass was beneath him.

“Was that necessary?” he hissed.

I put my key in the front door and let Moses out.

Moses, who was waiting by the door, jumped up and down in excitement, his happy dog body nearly knocking Mr. Tight Lips down in the process.

“Control your dog,” David ordered, hands clenching.

My brows rose. “He’s excited to see me. I’m sorry if I don’t control him. Now, if you wouldn’t mind…”

I gestured toward the curb where his car was parked.

“Why are you even here?” Dillan asked.

Her voice cracked, reminding me that a few days ago she was nearly strangled again.

She’d done a very good job in hiding the bruises today.

“I was here to make contact with Asa,” David said. “And this one won’t let me see him. Shall I wait for him to get off the bus then?”

I tossed the ball across the yard and Moses shot off after it.

In the process, pieces of grass flew out from behind him and got onto David’s shoes.

He hissed and kicked the grass off his feet.

“You will not be seeing Asa,” Dillan agreed with me. “I’m sorry, but none of us will have any further dealings with you. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like you to leave.”

David shook his head. “Technically, this is still my property. I don’t have to leave.”

“What are you talking about?” Dillan snapped. “This is Delanie’s and my house. We own it.”

“You don’t own anything,” David disagreed. “I’ve spoken with a lawyer. Since you purchased the house under my accounts, technically speaking, these are all co-owned by me. And since this place hasn’t yet been paid off, I’ve gone ahead and done so. It’s mine just as much as it’s also yours and your sister’s.”

That wasn’t how it worked.

“That’s not how it works.” Dillan shook her head. “Our names were on the accounts. And we only used a small amount as a down payment. Which you gave us permission to do, might I add.”

“Yes,” he said. “But I have the money to tie up lawyers in this for a while… do you?”

The answer was no. They didn’t.

Neither did I.

I mean, I had a pretty hefty chunk of money in my bank account, but it wasn’t enough to buy a house. Nor was it enough to even pay off a car.

Let alone buy off Mr. Moneybags.

I looked over at Dillan and could see that she was fuming.

“Sit out here for as long as you’d like,” I said as I gestured for Dillan to go inside.

Dillan did, followed by Moses and then me.

I shut the door on David’s face.

His smug, I’m going to win this, needs a good punch, face.

“That…” Dillan said the moment the door closed. “That bastard!”

There was a chuckle Copyright 2016 - 2024