Join the Club - Lani Lynn Vale Page 0,49

school, but it makes me think harder. I’m glad that we qualified.”

I had to apply for the program. Asa had to test into it.

And low and behold, my smarty pants had gotten into it.

For the length of the summer, Asa now got to go to the school and learn even more.

He absolutely loved it.

I missed him like crazy.

“I always liked class, too,” Bell said. “I just didn’t like the people in those classes.”

As Bell and Asa spoke, I ordered pizza.

I then started to clean up around the house while also keeping an eye on the front door and periodically texting my sister.

I felt somewhat guilty for keeping this information from her and wanted to tell her.

Might have if she’d answer my freakin’ texts.



I dreaded the call I was about to have to make. Even more, I wished that I could do what I was about to do in person.

Looking at Dillan, strangled, hurt, and crying, I placed the call and hoped that Delanie didn’t freak out.

Oh, and whatever relationship she was still somewhat considering with her father? That was definitely out the window now.

Chapter 11

For someone short of breath, you sure do talk a lot.

-Delanie to Dillan


I marched into the hospital on a mission.

My eyes took in all the police officers, firefighters, and paramedics milling around, but I ignored them all.

That was until my eyes lit on Nico Pena.

My gaze seemed to develop tunnel vision and all I saw was him.

“Is she okay?” I asked, sounding just as angry as I was.

Nico had seen me coming and had already ended his conversation with the woman he was talking to. A young blonde nurse that looked like she was someone important.

I didn’t care about her or what I’d interrupted.

All I cared about right then was finding out whether my sister was okay.

“She’s fine.” Nico paused. “Beat up, shaken, pissed as hell, but she’s fine.”

I gritted my teeth.

“And that piece of shit Kerrie? Is he fine?” I asked.

Nico’s eyes flicked to the room that was at the end of the hall. The one that had two uniformed police officers standing outside of it.

“Not as fine.” Nico’s lips twitched.

“My sister really is fine?” I asked. “She’s going to be okay?”

Nico pulled me into a hug and I nearly lost it.

I nearly blubbered all over him.

The only thing that saved me from not doing that was my anger at the man down the hall.

Plus, I didn’t want that man to see me crying.

Instead, I wanted him to see how pissed off I was.

Because I would be seeing him.

There was no doubt about it.

The man that had played at being our friend. The man that I’d once been betrothed to. The man that couldn’t help plotting and scheming to try to get himself into whatever fucked up position he needed to find a foothold into our world. That man needed to take a flying leap off the fucking rooftop.

I hugged Nico back, burying my face in his chest as I breathed in and out shakily.

I was so not okay.

So far from okay that it was quite possible I was losing my shit.

After dealing with my father today, and then hearing that this happened to my sister, I was teetering on the edge.

But Nico gave good hugs, and despite his scary demeanor, he really was a big ol’ softy.

I’d lucked out for sure in the grandparent department when it came to Georgia and Nico.

He squeezed my neck, and I drew in a shaky breath that had me gaining a semblance of control.

Enough control, anyway, to pull away and give Nico a broad smile.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me,” I said, straightening my shoulders.

Nico’s eyebrows rose, and he only watched me for a few seconds before nodding once.

I turned and started marching down the hall, my strides long and purposeful as I made my way toward the uniformed officers that were standing guard at the door of a room.

I smiled at them. “Excuse me.”

I saw their eyes flick to behind me and knew that Nico had given them a nod of agreement, allowing me entrance.

They stepped aside and I pushed through the door, coming to a halt when I saw the man lying on the bed.

His genitals were exposed and a nurse was doing something to what was left of Kerrie’s penis.

I grinned. “Karma, huh?”

Kerrie slowly tilted his head toward me from where he’d been looking toward a wall that was across the room from him.

When his eyes met mine, I grinned maniacally at him.

“You fucked up,” I Copyright 2016 - 2024