Vampire Mistress(5)

“He's a loss, Anwyn.” James had come in behind her and now leaned against the wall, his well-developed arms crossed and brow furrowed, the intent gray eyes as focused as she'd expect from a man who'd spent twenty years working with the DEA. “You've got the best instincts I've seen, but I think you're off on this one. He's not a psychopath, but he's too close to it. Too damaged. Completely unpredictable. We need to cut him loose. He's going to hurt someone.”


“I agree with your assessment. But I want to try one more thing.” Leaning over, she pressed the button to reach the security guard posted outside the Queen's Chamber.


“Yes, ma'am?”


“Engage the locks on the door, Alan. I want Mr.Smith to know he's not free to leave.” She straightened, glanced at James. “I'm going to take over this session.” His jaw tightened. “I could send in three men to secure him. Maybe that's what he wants. You know we've had clients before who want the forced binding.” 


“Yes, but not him. If we go that route, I think wewill push him over that dangerous edge you're concerned about.” She studied Smith's broad shoulders, the scarred hands clenched at his neck. “He's all beast, James. A male will be a threat to him, only make things worse. He's seeking a woman's touch, but he's looking for a specific woman. One he knows he shouldn't have, shouldn't want, but with every wrong woman we've sent him, his need has only gotten sharper, his self-damnation deeper. The goal is surrender, James.”


“To what? Or whom?”


“The only opponent he's been fighting all along. Himself. I'm going to clear the ring so he can go hand-to-hand with his soul. Then maybe he'll let go.”


James gave her an arch look. “I have absolutely no idea what that means.”


“I know.” She shrugged. “It's a lot like watchingDog Whisperer . Cesar can't always explain what he's doing. He just knows, because he feels what the dog feels. That's something most people don't get.” Though she kept the smile on her face, she knew James was sharp enough to see there was no humor behind it. “In order to understand a creature's pain, you have to step inside him, see through his eyes.


And be strong enough not to feel sorry for him, in order to teach him how to be a dog again. Live in the moment, because this moment is all there is.”


“I didn't realize Cesar was Zen,” James muttered.


“All good trainers are, James.” She laughed. “Feed that link to my private changing area, please. I want to watch him while I get ready.”


“Speaking of animals, you've had another alley cat show up. She looks pregnant. I think they're spreading the word that you're handing scraps out the kitchen door on the graveyard shift.”


“You can stop sounding so disapproving. I know you do it, too.” She gave him an absent smile. “We'll have to catch her, get her spayed. Maybe she'll be more tameable than the others so far.”


“If anyone can do it, it would be you. Just be careful,” he advised, nodding toward the screen, telling her he was referencing Jon Smith, not her assortment of alley cats. “I know who will have my ass if someone hurts you. As scary as this son of a bitch is”—he dropped his voice so only she could hear him—“I'd rather deal with ten of him than a tenth of Daegan.”