The Jock by J.L. Beck Page 0,8

an education. Love is far from my mind.” Like a million miles away, billion miles away.

“Sure, sure, sweetie.” She doesn’t sound convinced, but I’m done having this conversation.

“Laura, we need you back inside.” Antonio’s—my mother’s boss—voice filters in through the receiver.

“You’re at work?” I question while frowning. I swear she never takes a day off.

“Yes, picking up some extra hours.” She sighs. “I’ll be in, in a minute. I’m saying bye to Blair.” She must cover the speaker on the phone because the voice is muffled. A second later, she returns and says, “I’m sorry, sweetie, got to get back to work. I’m happy you’re getting out and enjoying college. Next time I call, we can discuss Ben and me coming up to visit.”

“Yeah, maybe. I love you, Mom. Tell Ben I love him too.” All of a sudden, I feel sad. Sad that I’m here and not back home helping my mom. Sad that I’m alone, and that I miss her and my brother because I know they can’t afford to come and visit me.

“Of course, honey. Love you too, talk soon,” she says a little too cheerfully before hanging up. I pull the phone away from my ear and stare down at it. My heart beats heavily in my chest. This is why I tutor, so that I never have to ask my mom for money, I never have to take from her, especially when I know she needs it more than me.

Burying the emotions deep within my chest, I nearly jump out of my skin when there is a loud knock at my door.

This night just keeps getting worse.

Pushing off the bed, I walk to the door. It’s probably just another girl on the floor asking to borrow something. I mean, who else could it be?



Walking through the girls’ dorm is nothing new to me, but doing it while knowing that I’m probably going to get rejected, and a door slammed in my face is something I’ve never experienced before.

Coach called me about an hour ago, reaming my asshole. He told me to go apologize to her, which wasn’t a bad idea. I’m actually glad he’s on my side without knowing what he is helping me with. He pushed for me to use her as a tutor and no one else since she is not going to take any of your shit.

Little does he know, I want her as my tutor for a whole different reason. The bet with the guys I made earlier weighs heavy in my mind. Was there any way I could actually make this girl like me? Sure, I was attractive and obviously very much liked by the opposite sex, but Blair had made it clear she didn’t date jocks. Then again, I suppose I didn’t have to date her. All I had to do was make her fall for me. It was going to take a shit ton of effort though, effort I wasn’t sure would be worth it.

And there was still the issue that she was the one person that could keep me from failing Calculus and keep me on the roster for the wildcats.

Thankfully, Coach was able to give me the deets on which room she was in. Otherwise, I would’ve been here all night going door to door to find her. Stopping at her door, I lift my hand and knock. Almost immediately, the door swings open, and Blair stands before me, looking adorable and a bit sexy. My gaze rakes down over her body, even though I try to stop it. She’s wearing pajama bottoms with kittens on them and a white tank top without a bra. Her big pink nipples press against the fabric, and I’m mesmerized.

“What do you want?” she growls.

“I came to apologize,” I say, trying not to stare at her tits. “Can I come in?”


I almost roll my eyes at her. Why does she have to be so difficult?

“Why not?”

“It’s late.”

I lift my wrist and look at my watch. “It’s nine-thirty.” I say, and then pin her with a questioning look.

“Like I said, it’s late.” She crosses her arms over her chest, which only pushes her cleavage up further. “Bye!” She asserts, waiting for me to leave.

Shaking my head, I step forward, catching her off guard. She stumbles backward as I squeeze myself inside her room, closing the door behind us.

“What the hell?” she shrieks. “I said no. I know you’re not used to hearing the word, but you must know the meaning.”

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