The Jock by J.L. Beck Page 0,31

the game, worse yet, I disappointed Coach, let my team down, and because of all of it, my father has been down my throat, calling me nonstop and screaming at me since the moment I walked off the field yesterday. It doesn’t help matters that I slept like shit last night, wondering what Blair was doing or better yet, who she was with. I was so pissed off, jealous even, and overall annoyed that I couldn’t even bring myself to hang out with Murphy or Evan, who ended up snagging a couple girls.

Jealousy. It wasn’t something I’d ever experienced in my life. Chicks couldn’t make me jealous, not when they were the ones who wanted me. Blair didn’t want me, though, and that made what I was feeling right now, something that I couldn’t quite digest.

I stare down at my phone and the message from Blair. She said she would be here in ten minutes, which left me with ten minutes to get my broody fucking attitude under control. I wasn’t going to get in her panties by being an asshole. I can still picture her in that dress, the way it hugged her curves, and her shapely legs. Stick a fork in me, ’cause I’m fucked.

As badly as I want to ask her what she did last night, or who she was with, I knew better. I can’t come off as jealous, can’t show her that I give a fuck, mainly because I shouldn’t even care. Exhaling, I push a breath past my lips and run a hand through my black hair. The bus left almost an hour ago for North Woods, so I’ve been sitting here by myself trying to cool off. It’s not really working.

The minutes tick by slowly until Blair’s arrival. When an SUV pulls into the parking lot and parks a few spots away, my eyes are drawn to it. The door is shoved open, and a moment later, Blair pops out. She’s wearing a sweatshirt and yoga pants with a pair of old sneakers.

Simple, dressed down and still looking better than half the chicks at North Woods.

She walks over to the truck, turning to wave at the SUV one last time. I unlock the door as she grabs the handle and tugs it open. She tosses her bag into the backseat, and the smell of soap and cherries fill the air. I smile, sucking in a sharp breath, letting her scent resonate through me. She smells so fucking good.

“Hey,” she greets as she tugs her belt on, clicking it into place.

“Hey,” I greet gruffly.

Her dark brows pinch together in confusion. Can she tell how pissed off I am? Or that something is wrong? Maybe I should try harder to hide it.

“Did you have a good time with your friend?” I curse myself after I say the words because I realize that I sound like her fucking dad, instead of a guy interested in getting her on her back, and between her legs.

“I did, actually. I loved seeing Mia, I’ve missed her so much. This was a much-needed trip.” She smiles, and the joy in her eyes almost overshadows the emotions flooding my veins. “Thank you for the ride. I really appreciate it.”

“Anytime. How was your night?” I ask, looking straight ahead as I navigate the truck onto the highway.

“Last night was… well, it was good. I hung out with Mia, of course, and watched the game.” She shrugs and looks out the window. Easing my foot onto the gas, I get the truck up to speed before I turn the cruise control on.

“How was the party?” I grit my teeth as I speak. I don’t even want to know the answer, but curiosity has gotten the best of me.

“Oh, that…” Even though I can’t see her face, I’d bet anything that she is smiling. “We didn’t actually go. I was too tired.” When she turns in her seat, I glance over at her, and find a smile tugging at her lips.

Fucking trouble, that’s what she is.

Still, I can’t deny that I feel relief knowing she didn’t go. All night, I was thinking about her with someone else, kissing and touching some other fucking guy. I thought about texting and calling her a few times but chickened out, scared of what I would find out.

I knew she wouldn’t sleep with anyone, not of her own doing at least, that didn’t mean some fucker wouldn’t slip something into her drink to get her naked and make Copyright 2016 - 2024