The Jock by J.L. Beck Page 0,28

He was safe, and safe is what kept you from heartache and cheating and letting your insecurities show.

“Nice if you like loafers and eating Wheaties for breakfast. He acted like he was fifty and close to retirement.”

I pin her with a glare. “Rude. Daniel gave me my first kiss.”

“And that is why you should give Cage a ride. A long hard one.”

“Whose team are you on? Mine or his?”

Mia grins. “The winning team, of course.” She takes another sip of wine. “What’s the saying? Better to have loved and gotten your heart broken than to never have loved at all?”

“Something like that, but I think I’ll pass. I don’t want my heart broken. I’ve seen enough heartbreak to last me a lifetime.” And I have. I’d watched my mom countless nights as she cried herself to sleep. As she worked two jobs to care for two children, she had with two men that didn’t love her, or the kids they had helped her create.

“Ugh, you’re grumpy today. I think you should ease up a little, enjoy college, take chances. Do you want to look back in five years and wonder if you made the right choice, if you should’ve done this or that? You don’t want to live with regret.”

“Mhh, maybe you need to take your own advice? I’ve seen how you look at your bodyguard. Roommate. You have a thing for him, don’t you?”

Mia takes another sip of her wine, looking away and at something behind me. “Oh, Blair, that’s a story for another day.”

I knew coming here would be a great escape, but I never thought it could feel so fantastic. Mia’s place is amazing, like a small bubble, separate from the outside world.

We are sitting on her large balcony, overlooking Blackthorn. The weather is beautiful, the bright sun is shining down on my pale skin.

I’m even wearing one of Mia’s designer dresses. She insisted on me putting it on this morning. I protested at first, but now, I never want to take it off. The fabric is the softest material I’ve ever felt, and it feels like cashmere on my skin, it literally fits like it was made for me.

“I have an idea!” Mia suddenly yelps beside me, dropping her cell phone into her lap. “Let’s go to the game.”

“Huh? What game?” I lift a hand and shield my eyes from the sun to look at her.

Mia rolls her eyes dramatically. “The football game, of course.”

“Oh.” Oh! “Why do you want to go to that?”

“I want to take a closer look at your guy. What’s his name? Cage?”

“I don’t know…”

“Come on, it will be fun. Have you ever been to one of his games? Or any football game?”

“Well, no.”

“Okay, it’s decided then. Let’s go.”

“Fine, I’ll change.”

“Change? Why would you do that? You look amazing. Let’s go silly.” Mia gets up from her seat and motions for me to get up too.

As if he heard us thinking about leaving, Zeke appears in the doorway. “Are you going somewhere?”

“Calm down, I was about to call you. We’re going to the football game.”

Zeke nods and walks away without another word.

“Is he always like that? Like a robot?”

“He has his moments.” Mia gives a vague answer as we walk back inside.

I would interrogate her more, but that would be weird since Zeke could hear us. We put our shoes on and grab our phones before heading out.

Twenty minutes later, we pull up to the Blackthorn Elite campus. I always thought North Woods was gorgeous, but Blackthorn is next level. Large area flowerbeds, water fountains, and perfectly trimmed hedges make the grounds look more like a botanical garden than a university.

The building mimics a castle, dark with high peaks. I can’t imagine the ghostly secrets that this place holds. The dark heroes and damsel in distress heroines. A shiver snakes up my spine. Okay, I need to stop reading so many romance books.

When we pull up to the stadium, I’m shocked by its sheer size. It reminds me of a colosseum. Together we get out, and Zeke escorts us like we’re celebrities up to a gate. There are people everywhere, and there is so much to take it. I’m almost overwhelmed as we enter the stadium. People are pressed side by side into seats.

It’s so loud I can’t even hear myself think.

People are screaming and cheering. Overhead lights shine onto the field, blocking out the night sky. The stadium is overflowing with people, bursting at the seams. The air feels thicker and Copyright 2016 - 2024