The Jock by J.L. Beck Page 0,18

Is there something, in particular, you have problems with?”

I know she’s only trying to change the subject, and I’m not having it.

“A boyfriend?” I ask, ignoring her question.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

God, she is infuriating.

“I’m on chapter five.” I guess I’ll have to try a different technique with her. “I hate riding in the bus, so I always drive my truck if it’s a close enough game.” I throw that bit of information out there, hoping she takes the bait.

“So, you drive there by yourself?”

“Mmhhh.” I mimic her from just a moment ago.

“It’s my friend, Mia. She goes there,” she explains.

I can see she wants to ask me something, maybe to tag along, but something is holding her back. It’s like we are playing a cat and mouse game. I’m the cat, trying to lure the timid mouse out of her hiding place, dangling a piece of cheese in front of her.

“Do you visit Mia often?”

“No, I haven’t seen her since before school started,” she almost whines. Her voice suddenly sad, her head and shoulders sagged forward in defeat.

Okay, I guess I’ll cave.

“Do you want to ride to Blackthorn?”

With her head still lowered, she looks up at me through thick coal black lashes. Her big blue eyes peer into mine, and I swear my heart skips a beat.

“You would do that? Give me a ride?”

“Sure. Under one condition–”

“Nope.” She shakes her head and crosses her arms over her chest. “Conditions are a no go. I won’t be conned into something.”

“Whoa, slow down. You don’t even know what I’m gonna say.”

“It’s probably bad.” She wrinkles her nose in disgust. “Something like you have to kiss me or show me your boobs.”

Now, that’s a good idea.

Grinning, I roll my shoulders. “It’s nothing like that, though you can still do those things if you want to.”

“Cage,” she groans with frustration.

The sound goes straight to my cock, zinging through me like a bolt of lightning. Fuck me. Slowly, please, Lord, fuck me slowly. I wanted to hear her say my name again, except this time, I wanted it to me more breathless, more yes, Cage, right there…

Shit, I needed to rein it in.

“Okay, okay, it’s nothing bad.” I clear my throat, ignoring my cock, which now has its own heartbeat. “There is a restaurant about halfway to Blackthorn in a tiny little town. It’s called Pops. They have the best burgers in the state. I always stop there when I pass through, and since it’s a tradition, and you’re riding along, you’re required to come. We stop and eat on the way. Together.”

Her cheeks turn the lightest shade of pink, and she drops her gaze to the open books in front of her. “Sounds a lot like a date.”

I lean back in my chair and place my hands behind my head. “Not a date. I don’t date. In fact, I barely talk to chicks, so you should consider yourself lucky. This is just food. Burgers. Fries. Milkshakes.” I smirk.

She chews on her bottom lip nervously, contemplating what I’ve said. I can basically see her thoughts turning in her head. Swirling like a tornado in water. I hope she says yes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t. It was a hassle to get her to do the tutoring. I can’t imagine she would want to go anywhere with me.

“Not a date. Not even friends.” She narrows her blue eyes. “If you agree to those terms, then yes, I’ll take the ride.”

Oh, you’ll take the ride all right. Thank God she can’t hear my internal monologue.

“It’s a date.” I grin.

She blinks slowly, annoyance filling her features. I’m surprised steam isn’t coming out of her ears. Teasing her is my new favorite thing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that. It’s not a date, Blair, so you don’t have to worry about falling for me.” I grin, showing off my dimples.

Blair doesn’t even seem the least bit phased by my smile, and again that makes me want her more. Doesn’t she realize that the more she denies me, the more I want her? This is a battle she’ll never win. I’m the king of seduction, of making panties drop.

“I would never fall for you,” Blair protests.

“Never say never, baby.” If she was smart, she’d run now because once this game really starts, I’ll show no mercy.

Her blue eyes gleam like gems, determination shining in their depths.

“Never, Cage. Never. Ever. Will I fall for you!”

We’ll see about that…

And just like that, I was more enamored with the idea Copyright 2016 - 2024