The Job Offer - By Eleanor Webb Page 0,74

the lit cigar in the ashtray. A deep frown marred his face as he looked over at his stepfather.

"We thought you already knew." Troy Carlson set his can of soda down on the coffee table and his cigar in the ashtray then leaned back and looked at Ben in pity.

"Well I didn't, and when I found out I made a total ass of myself and accused her of only sleeping with me because she wanted the job."

Troy whistled and shook his head. "That would be a tough one to let go."

"Is it tough for her or for me?"

"For her. Ben, she wouldn't do that, and before you make more of a fool of yourself, you should know that she wasn't after you money either. Anne doesn't have to work if she doesn't want to."

"What do you mean?" It chapped a little because that thought had occurred to Ben the night of the wedding, too.

"She's Jay Conner’s granddaughter and Andrew Conner's daughter and only heir unless his new wife produces a child."

"Anne is Conner's daughter? No wonder she doesn't like him."

"Few people do. But if you need a good lawyer, he's your man." They sat for several minutes and watched the game while Ben digested what his stepfather told him. Eventually, Troy said, "Ben, do you want to marry Anne? Because your relationship would only be allowed if you married her."

"Yes, I want to marry her."

"Then why are you still here when you should be at Anne's?"

"She wasn't home when I called at her house this morning." Ben leaned forward on his knees and picked up the cigar from the ashtray. He took a puff then he ran his hands through his hair. Why was he here when he wanted to be with Anne? Suddenly, he heard the sound of his smart phone announcing that he received a text message. Pulling it from his back pocket, he read the message that said "Urgent, see email!"

"Is it anything important?" Troy asked him when Ben put the cigar back in the ashtray and touched the email app to start looking through the new messages.

"It's Rudolph telling me to see an urgent email."

Finally, Ben found the one that his VP of Research and Development was referring to. It was an email from Dr. Conner to Rudolph and copying Ben that she was giving her two week notice. He swore when he read the message.

"What is it?"

"Anne's quitting. She gave her notice last night. I've got to go and see her." He stubbed out his cigar and stood up, pushing his phone back into the back pocket of his jeans.

"Go. Get out of here. I'll tell your mother that you were called away."


After putting his shoes back on, he ran to his car and headed back out to Bellevue. He was so distracted by his thoughts that he missed his turn, doubled back, and eventually found the little blue Cape Cod style house again on the corner with the enclosed backyard and the detached garage. She was home now if her SUV was any indication. Parking in the driveway behind her vehicle, he jumped out and took the front two steps at once and rang the doorbell. When Anne did not answer, he turned and sat on her front step. She could not be far. She was not quitting until he had a chance to talk to her and convince her to stay. He felt a sense of panic when he realized that if she left, he did not know where she would go, if she would move away, or if he would ever see her again. This may very well be his last chance and he was not leaving until he saw her.

Chapter 20

"Ok, I've had enough." Anne looked over at Carla who had stopped walking and sat on a bench in the little park that was a few blocks from their houses. Carla and Gary liked to walk their dog to the park every day, but ever since Anne had moved in, Carla and Anne began taking power walks when their schedules allowed usually taking the dog with them. But today Gary had the dog, and they had a late start on their walk because Carla had catered a wedding the evening before and was too tired to get out of bed. They had only walked the two blocks to the entrance to the park so far, and Carla was tired already. This worried Anne. She sat beside Carla on the bench and Copyright 2016 - 2024