The Job Offer - By Eleanor Webb Page 0,42

just the right amount of pressure while she teased him until he became so thick that her fingers could no longer circle him.

Not being able to withstand more of her ministrations, he rolled her over quickly, spread her legs wide, and pushed himself into her again. The feel of her was better than before. She was warm, wet, and he moved in her smoothly. His nerve ending were more alive, and he relished the sensations of her sheathing him inside of her silky channel while he felt her breasts move against his chest as he moved. He rode her harder lost in the feel of her body until she exploded another time around him. Then with a final thrust he came inside of her while her core held him tight, her inner muscles milking him.

It was not until much later, after waking from a light nap, that he realized his mistake. Anne dozed next to him, snuggled against his side. Her soft breath blew across his chest, and her hand rested on his stomach. He ran a hand through the dry curly hair at her head. He forgot to grab a new condom before making love with Anne a second time, and, oddly, he did not feel panic.

Chapter 11

Ben and Anne arrived late for dinner in the inn’s dining room that evening. They were supposed to meet everyone in the lounge at seven then head into the dining room a half hour later, but when they finally managed to drag themselves from bed and into a shared shower, it was already five minutes before seven o'clock. Anne didn't mind too much, however, because the shower proved to be a sensual experience with Ben running his soapy hands over every inch of her body and stirring her desire again. Then it was her turn to wash him. If it wasn't for the fact that they already made love twice and needed some food, they would have stayed in the shower longer. After their shower, they dried themselves with towels and she took the room’s complimentary hair drier to her hair and used Ben’s comb to try to bring some semblance of order to her mess of curls. Once she had her hair in order, it finally dawned on her. She did not have any clothing other than her wet swimsuit.

"I can't call mom, now," she told Ben as she stood in front of the bed wrapped in a towel. Ben was dressing himself in a pair of black trousers and a black polo shirt looking far too sexy for his own good.

"Leave your suit and tee shirt here to dry and you can borrow my sweats to run to your parents and change. Where are your shorts and shoes?" Ben crossed to the dresser and pulled out his sweatpants from that morning and a sweatshirt with a screen print of the U of W Huskies logo on front.

"Probably still on the patio table where I left them when I started swimming." While his back was turned, she put the sweats on over her naked body. Despite all he had done to and with her body that afternoon, she still felt a little self conscious with him seeing her naked. The sweats were loose on her, and she pulled the drawstring of the pants tight to prevent them from sliding down indecently. "What will you do while I'm changing?"

"I'll go down to the lounge and make excuses. Don't worry, I'll make something up. When I'm there, I'll see if Chelsea and her parents are in the dining room then I'll call up to let you know if the coast is clear. If it is, then you can head over to your parents' and change. Bring some clothing back for tomorrow, too." He sat on the edge of the bed in front of her, and leaned over to tie his shoelaces as he laid out his plan. She smiled down at his head.

"You're really getting into this subterfuge, aren't you? What's next; secret codes?"

"I suppose we should have one, shouldn't we? How about if the coast if clear, I say 'the red hen is roosting' or some such nonsense." He sat back up and watched her with a boyish smile she could not help but respond too. He used to smile the same way at her when she would lead him, Lily, and Carla out on adventures when they were younger. "Or, I could say 'It's a clear night and promises clean sailing', Copyright 2016 - 2024