The Job Offer - By Eleanor Webb Page 0,34

join you." He stood up, walked over to her putting his hands on her shoulders, and kissed her tenderly. "I'll see you later, my Anne." Then he patted her on her rear end and followed her into the sitting room to make his phone calls.

Chapter 9

Anne fetched Ben after her walk into Eastsound and back, and they went down to the dining room for breakfast. It was early yet and most of the tables were still empty. Inside they saw Ben's parents sitting at a large round table that could seat up to eight people. The other chairs at the table were empty. Ben’s parents were both attractive people somewhere in their late fifties. Mr. Carlson was a tall man who looked like he stayed trim by doing outdoor activities. He had salt and pepper hair and the distinguished look of the bank president that he was in his professional life. Mrs. Carlson was a small, trim, elegant looking woman with brown hair cut in a shoulder length cut similar to how Anne's mother wore her hair. They were both dressed in the casual weekend style clothing that cost more than most people made in a week. His parents saw her and Ben immediately and waved them over. Putting his hand on her low back, Ben led her to the table then pulled out a chair for her next to his mother.

"Morning Ben," Ben's mother greeted him warmly. He made a quick reply then began talking to Mr. Carlson. "Anne! How nice to see you. Now I know why Ben skipped out on us last night."

"Good morning, Mrs. Carlson," Anne returned her warm greeting. She had always liked Ben’s parents. "It's nice to see you again, too. How is the wedding planning going?"

"Oh, please call me Liz and call him Troy." She indicated her husband with a head tilt. "The wedding plans are running smoothly thanks to your mother and the wedding consultant she recommended. It's hard to believe that Lily will be married in only a few short days. It’s exciting and nerve racking at the same time, and I’ll be happy when it is over. Your mother told me yesterday that you are interviewing for jobs in Seattle. It will be so nice for you and your family to have you back."

"Thank you, Liz," Anne tried out the familiarity of the address. Liz and Troy Carlson had been coming to the inn every summer since that first time back when Anne was nine. In all the years they came, Anne had always called her Mrs. Carlson and the new form of address seemed strange on her lips. "I hope to be back soon, too."

"I hope so, too. Ah, here comes the bride and groom now." Anne looked over her shoulder to the three people coming across the room. "Tom, as I'm sure you fingered out, is Lily's fiancé. The other woman is Tom's sister, Melissa, the matron of honor and Lily's best friend. Melissa's husband will be coming up tomorrow night."

The small group arrived and sat down at the remaining chairs. What followed was a relaxing breakfast where the main topic of conversation was the wedding. There was a meeting with the consultant and the florist later that morning at the chapel. Then the photographer, a local to the San Juan's, was coming that afternoon from Friday Harbor for some casual shots of the couple outside. That evening, the plan was for everyone to dine at the inn. Ben was free to pursue his own enjoyments until late afternoon when he was needed for photos. Anne discovered that Lily and Tom had decided to exchange vows at the Victorian Valley Chapel, a popular spot for weddings, before having the reception at the inn. Then they would be leaving Sunday afternoon for a honeymoon in Napa Valley. The rest of the family, the wedding party, and guests would also leave on Sunday morning.

Anne felt at home with the group, and several times she was asked her opinions on various things about the island. Once during the meal, she felt Ben's hand rubbing her nape casually while he talked to Tom and Troy. At another point, his hand rested on her naked thigh just below the hem of her shorts. She could also feel his eyes on her several times and looked over at him with a smile. She also saw that his family was noticing their little interactions and smiling at the two of them. She and Ben would Copyright 2016 - 2024