The Job Offer - By Eleanor Webb Page 0,24

big day?" Ben had to admire Anne's pluck and quick thinking even if her talking about marriage to him did raise immediate alarm bells. He would play his part to get rid of Chelsea, though.

"That's right, Sweetheart. So Chelsea, I'm sure you understand why we want to keep quiet about this for the time being." He kept up with their story. "Thanks. Good to see you again, Chelsea." Then taking Anne's hand again, he pulled her through the throng of people in the lounge to the patio door leaving Chelsea standing alone in the aisle where they left her.

Once they were on the patio, Ben kept on walking until they had walked across the large patio filled with guests sitting at tables, around the heated pool where people still swam, and down the path that led down to the dock. Spotting a small set of steps at the edge of the dock by the water's edge, he led Anne down the steps and along the shoreline until they were out of sight of the people who stood fishing on the dock and the few cottages that dotted the shore. When they were totally alone, he stopped walking, let go of Anne’s hand and stepped over to the small rocky shore, leaving Anne standing on the grass. He needed to put some distance between them. The alarm that he felt when she told Chelsea that she was his fiancée began to turn to anger and panic now that they were away from the lounge. Finally, he put his hands on his hips, and turned around to face Anne.

"Would you care to tell me what that was about? You were supposed to only act as my date for the evening." He was angry and becoming angrier. She went above and beyond what he expected. She was just supposed to run interference long enough to get Chelsea to leave him alone and for them to get out of the lounge. All he could think about now was that Anne was trying to maneuver herself into a real marriage, just as past girlfriends did, only this time using a whole new tactic.

"You said you needed help to get the woman to leave you alone," Anne said reasonably. "As long as Chelsea thinks there is still a chance, she'll be all over you this week unless she thinks that you are off the market."

"But marriage?" His anger deflated as soon as she began using reason. He overreacted. He knew that, and when he realized that she was right, he felt the tension leave his body and tried to shake off the lingering doubts. After his last girlfriend and some of the stunts a few of his other past girlfriends tried, he was naturally leery. Then there was Chelsea and all she pulled over the years.

"For Heaven’s sake, Ben. There is no need to look like that. It’s only a make believe engagement. It will be over on Saturday night, Sunday morning at the latest. Relax. I don't have any marriage designs on you. I'll be leaving next week anyway, and I don't believe in long distance relationships."

He took a deep breath and forced himself to relax. Turning to look out at the water, he could see the outline of a fishing boat with its trolling lights on about midway through the channel headed southwest. "She will say something to my family."

"Probably. She seems like the type." He turned to look back at Anne. She had taken her sandals off and was now sitting on an overturned tree trunk that made a perfect bench. He could not believe how relaxed she looked. He was finding it difficult to maintain his anger when he looked at her. It was really hard to stay angry with someone who was both logical and beautiful. Looking at her calm demeanor and pretty smile, he considered the advantages of a fake engagement over the next few days. The setting sun sent fire through her curly hair, and the skin of her chest, her shoulders, and her arms looked downy soft. She looked sexy as hell, and he wanted her right now. Sighing, he walked over and sat down beside her.

"Ok. What do we tell our families?"

"We tell them the truth. We will tell them that I'm only acting as your fiancée as a favor to you until the wedding is over."

"It's going to be a job to pull this one off even with the help of our families. You don’t know Copyright 2016 - 2024