Jinx (Kings of Carnage MC) - Chelsea Camaron Page 0,31

it. Kicking the door shut behind us, he carries me on to the back of the house. I don’t get to take in much of the space as we move, and I can’t help but wonder if he wants it that way. Moving through a huge bedroom with a massive king size bed, he carries me into a bathroom. The crisp white room comes to life as he flips the light switch. He sets me on my feet. I’m not sure what to do.

My instincts scream to run, but to where? If I go back to the rails, Chrome or Drifter might find me.

In the middle of the room a massive soaking bathtub dominates the space, with a vanity on each side of the room. Grabbing something from the cabinets, he moves back to the bath where he starts to fill it with water. As the tub fills, he adds what looks like little salt type crystals. I stand in place, stupidly wondering what he’s doing and what he expects from me.

“Um, I’m not sure what you’re doing?”

He looks up at me with his sunglasses still in place. “I’m drawing a bath for you. Epsom salt,” he lifts the bag, “it will help you not be so sore tomorrow.”

I am taken aback at his kindness. “You said you wanted to punish me.”

“I do.”

Fear crawls up my spine. I want to ask how a bath is considered a punishment, but fear keeps me quiet. Then the crazy thoughts come, is he going to hold my head under the water making me drown? What kind of punishment will he give me?

Once the tub is full, he moves to stand in front of me. “Strip,” he commands, and my entire body tingles. I shake my head. I don’t know him. Certainly, he can’t expect me to take my clothes off just like that.

“I can bathe alone.”

“You can, yes, but you won’t. Just like you can strip, or I will strip you.”

Before I can react, he pulls at the hem of my t-shirt. With practiced ease, he has it off and over my head, leaving me covering my chest with my arms. I am blessed not to have overly large breasts. I don’t own a bra because it’s a luxury I can’t afford. I feel exposed in the open air of his bathroom. He tugs on the sweatpants, dropping them to my shoes. He squats at my feet and tries to lift my leg. I don’t budge. He lifts his head, his face level with my panties. Embarrassment floods me as he no doubt sees the mess of curls peeking out from the sides of my underwear. I’ve never been naked in front of a man like this before. He dips his head closer to my private parts, and I swear he inhales my scent.

“Please,” I whisper, “I can take a bath alone.”

“No,” is his simple response. He leaves me no room to argue, but I still try.

“I don’t know your name, and you want to strip me bare.”

Desperation fills me. I need this to stop, but at the same time, my body feels so alive and so aware of his every touch. I don’t want it to stop.

What is wrong with me?

“Talia.” The way he says my name with his islander accent gives me chills. My name has never sounded better. “You’ve had a long night. I’ve been angry, frustrated, and you’ve been afraid. Sly confirmed your story. So, for tonight, I want to take care of you. Tomorrow, we face what it brings, but tonight, I want to take care of you and then sleep.”

“I can’t do this. You’re a stranger!”

“I need to take care of you, Teineitiiti. I know it doesn’t make sense, but I need to. So, you let me care for you, and in turn, I’ll answer your questions.”

“But you’re going to punish me.”

He shakes his head frustrated with me. “Not tonight, I’m not. It’s late and you’ve been in an accident.”

Watching him and the gentle way he’s touched me all night, I can sense there is more to the man on his knees in front of me, and I’m certainly curious.

“No sex.”

He lifts his head as his lips move from a smirk to a smile. “If you say so.”

I shake my head because for a moment, a split second, I swear my body wanted to give this man everything. Trying to turn off the multitude of thoughts running through my head, I lean on his shoulder, lifting my

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