The Jezebel - Dylan Allen Page 0,163

and it’s mesmerizing.

He lets go of his dick long enough to yank off his pants and pull his shirt over his head. And then he stands.

His body is distractingly big, so perfect.

And it’s all mine.

So, I run.

Straight into my lover’s arms.

And right before his lips cover mine, his voice smooth as velvet, he whispers. “You water me, I water you. Together, we win.”

To get a copy of the extended epilogue click here.

Author’s Note

Dear Reader,

This story is special to me for many reasons. Jezebel, the biblical figure was my inspiration for the title. Her name has become synonymous with vice, treachery and sin.

But, when I started researching the woman behind all the myths and legends, I learned that nearly all of my perceptions about her, and what her name should stand for were misinformed.

Jezebel was a queen. One whose biggest crime was daring to behave just as the men of her time. She was ruthless, unapologetically ambitious, and believed in her right to rule.

I set out to tell the story of a woman who took that name, and turned it into a battle cry.

Traditional historical texts often erase the contributions of women in their recounting of major events.

My study of history in college taught me that if I wanted to know the complete story, I’d have to read beyond the textbooks. And that I’d have to question the premise of every historical fact, I’d been taught.

That exercise made my life so much richer. It’s I hope you’ll walk away from this story feeling empowered and of course, in love.

Happy reading,



As always, this part feels impossible to write.

There are so many people who are integral to this story making it into the world.

My beta readers are the first line of defense and they helped me shape and elevate the story. Thank you, Chele Walker, Sara Koelsch, Elizarey Reads, Lara Petersen, Marcia Golden Esders, and Amy Jackson - your early feedback and encouragement helped so much!

To the women who shared your stories with me so that I could make my characters as authentic as possible, THANK you for your time, your honesty and your trust.

To my editor, Lauren Clarke - you are a star. Having you as my partner in this process made all the difference and I am so grateful for the care and thoroughness you showed this manuscript.

To my colleagues who walk this very unique path alongside me, I’m glad to have you in my life and am grateful for your constant support.

To my Day Dreamers and my DREAM TEAM I LOVE you guys! You make my day, every single day! You inspire me to keep writing and I am so thankful for the parts of your day that you spend with me.

To all of the blogs who have tirelessly and graciously read and then promoted my work— you are my heroes. I couldn’t do this without you.

To the readers who buy my books, who email, message and tweet me! Thank you SO much for everything. You’re amazing and I write with your wind at my back every day!

Thank you to my family—my parents, my sisters, my brothers-in-law and my cousins—you are my village. Thank you for being wonderful and loving.

Finally, thank you to my husband and children - You are the heartbeats of my life. Thank you for inspiring me, loving me and supporting me. I love you all more than anything else in the universe!



About the Author

Dylan Allen is a Texas girl with a serious case of wanderlust.

A self-proclaimed happily ever junkie, she loves creating stories where her characters chase their own happy endings.

When she isn’t writing or reading, eating or cooking, she and her family are planning their next adventure.

I love talking to you guys! Feel free to send me an email at [email protected].

Are you on Facebook? If you are, then PLEASE join my private reader group, Dylan’s Day Dreamer. It’s where I spend most of my time online. My Day Dreamers get exclusive giveaways, sneak peaks, glimpses into my every day, and lots of other fun bookish things! It’s fantastic and my favorite place on the internet. Click here to join and make sure you introduce yourself.

You can find me on all the following social and book related platforms:

Book+Main Bites

Also by Dylan Allen

Loved it and want more? Here are all of my currently published titles.

Rivers Wilde Series of stand alone stories:

The Legacy

The Legend

Symbols of Love Series of stand alone stories:




Complete stand alone stories:

The Sun and Her Star

Thicker Than Water

I love to hear from readers! email me at [email protected]

Are you on Facebook? Come join my private reader group, Dylan’s Day Dreamer. It’s where I spend most of my time online and it’s a lot of fun! Click here.

Author’s Note

Dear Reader,

This story is special to me for many reasons. Jezebel, the biblical figure was my inspiration for the title. Her name has become synonymous with vice, treachery and sin.

But, when I started researching the woman behind all the myths and legends, I learned that nearly all of my perceptions about her, and what her name should stand for were misinformed.

Jezebel was a queen. One whose biggest crime was daring to behave just as the men of her time. She was ruthless, unapologetically ambitious, and believed in her right to rule.

I set out to tell the story of a woman who took that name, and turned it into a battle cry.

Traditional historical texts often erase the contributions of women in their recounting of major events.

My study of history in college taught me that if I wanted to know the complete story, I’d have to read beyond the textbooks. And that I’d have to question the premise of every historical fact, I’d been taught.

That exercise made my life so much richer. It’s I hope you’ll walk away from this story feeling empowered and of course, in love.

Happy reading,



As always, this part feels impossible to write.

There are so many people who are integral to this story making it into the world.

My beta readers are the first line of defense and they helped me shape and elevate the story. Thank you, Chele Walker, Sara Koelsch, Elizarey Reads, Lara Petersen, Marcia Golden Esders, and Amy Jackson - your early feedback and encouragement helped so much!

To the women who shared your stories with me so that I could make my characters as authentic as possible, THANK you for your time, your honesty and your trust.

To my editor, Lauren Clarke - you are a star. Having you as my partner in this process made all the difference and I am so grateful for the care and thoroughness you showed this manuscript.

To my colleagues who walk this very unique path along side me, I’m glad to have you in my life and am grateful for your constant support.

To my Day Dreamers and my DREAM TEAM I LOVE you guys! You make my day, every single day! You inspire me to keep writing and I am so thankful for the parts of your day that you spend with me.

To all of the blogs who have tirelessly and graciously read and then promoted my work— you are my heroes. I couldn’t do this without you.

To the readers who buy my books, who email, message and tweet me! Thank you SO much for everything. You’re amazing and I write with your wind at my back every day!

Thank you to my family—my parents, my sisters, my brothers-in-law and my cousins—you are my village. Thank you for being wonderful and loving.

Finally, thank you to my husband and children - You are the heartbeats of my life. Thank you for inspiring me, loving me and supporting me. I love you all more than anything else in the universe!



About the Author

Dylan Allen is a Texas girl with a serious case of wanderlust.

A self-proclaimed happily ever junkie, she loves creating stories where her characters chase their own happy endings.

When she isn’t writing or reading, eating or cooking, she and her family are planning their next adventure.

I love talking to you guys! Feel free to send me an email at [email protected].

Are you on Facebook? If you are, then PLEASE join my private reader group, Dylan’s Day Dreamer. It’s where I spends most of my time online. My Day Dreamers get exclusive giveaways, sneak peaks, glimpses into my every day, and lots of other fun bookish things! It’s fantastic and I my favorite place on the internet. Click here to join and make sure you introduce yourself.

You can find me on all the following social and book related platforms:

Book+Main Bites

Also by Dylan Allen

Loved it and want more? Here are all of my currently published titles.

Rivers Wilde Series of stand alone stories:

The Legacy

The Legend

Symbols of Love Series of stand alone stories:




Complete stand alone stories:

The Sun and Her Star

Thicker Than Water

I love to hear from readers! email me at [email protected]

Are you on Facebook? Come join my private reader group, Dylan’s Day Dreamer. It’s where I spend most of my time online and it’s a lot of fun! Click here. Copyright 2016 - 2024