Jessica's Cowboy Daddy - Melinda Barron Page 0,56

Not before she and Hawk got married, that’s for sure. She wished he was here right now, so she could kiss him and feel his warm breath against her cheek.

“Get married soon,” Sissy said. “Todd and I have lots of country to see.”

“She actually said that?” They were in the living room of Hawk’s—their—new home. They’d picked up dinner at a drive thru, several burgers with fries and shakes, vanilla for her and chocolate for him. It amazed her that she didn’t worry about the snakes anymore. The guys had come out and cut the grass and trimmed the trees. It would keep the crawly critters away, Hawk told her.

“Always remember snakes are scared of you, too,” he said. “Don’t agitate them and you’ll be fine.”

“I was flabbergasted,” she said as she ate a French fry. “Not only was she in my bakery when I didn’t expect her to be, she was encouraging me to marry her son as soon as possible.”

“I wish they had told me they were coming into town early.” Hawk took a big bite of one of his burgers. After he’d swallowed he said, “I was so shocked to see Dad pull up in a ranch truck I almost fell off the ladder I was on. Reed wouldn’t have been any help because he rushed out to greet him.”

“What were you doing on a ladder?” she asked.

“Looking at the roof,” he said. “We had to have it replaced, remember, and I just wanted to check out what had been done.”

“Always micromanaging,” she said.

“I’ll micromanage you one, right in the kisser.” Then he leaned over and kissed her, even though she’d just put another French fry in her mouth.

“Ewe, gross!” She pushed him away with a laugh.

He chuckled and went back to eating. They ate in silence for a while before Hawk said, “I have a treat for you tonight.”

“Another costume?” she asked, eagerly.

“Greedy little girl,” he said with a laugh. “No, it’s something totally different than what we’d planned. Reed came up with the idea, although I wish he hadn’t.”

“Why not?” she asked.

“Because I should have done it.” He snapped his fingers. “Eat up, sweet pea.”

They finished their meal and she cleaned up the wrappers and sacks.

“I miss cooking,” she said as he took her hand and led her toward the master bedroom. Excitement coursed through her. She couldn’t wait to see this when it was finished.

They went through the door into their new playroom and Jessica stopped in her tracks. Against the far wall was the frame for a set of stairs, leading to a hole in the roof.

“What is that?”

“That is why I was on the roof,” he said. “Kyle convinced me that we’d have a bigger BDSM playroom if we built it on top of the Little space. What do you think?”

“Kyle knows we’re going to have a BDSM playroom?”

“Sweet pea, they all know,” Hawk said.

Holt knew, that much was for sure, but Jessica wasn’t sure how she would face all the other brothers knowing they knew about her sex life.

“I may die,” she said.

“Quit being melodramatic,” he said. “Tell me what you think about an upstairs BDSM playroom.”

“I think it’s a great idea,” she said. “Do I get to design it?”

“We’ll pick out the toys together,” he said. “Speaking of which…” His voice trailed off, and he went into the bathroom.

“Did you put in my soaker tub?” she asked as she started after him.

“Stay there!” He pointed to the middle of the room. Jessica went back and stood there, her hands clasped in front of her. Seconds later he was back, with bags that she recognized. They were from the adult store in Amarillo, on the disastrous night that she and Aurora had snuck off. Or had it been disastrous? It had brought about “the talk” that had made her admit her feelings.

In retrospect, she knew it had turned out to be a perfect night. It had brought them closer together. Hawk set the sacks at her feet.

“For our new space?” she asked.

“Do you even remember what you bought?” he asked.

“Not really.” She started to open a sack, then looked at him for permission. He nodded and she reached in and pulled out the first thing she came to—a spreader bar. “Like this. I knew it would be fun, but I don’t remember buying it. By the time I checked out I was pretty pissed.”

She placed the bar on the floor and reached back inside. This time she found the package of Copyright 2016 - 2024