Jeopardy in High Heels (High Heels #12) - Gemma Halliday Page 0,47

Dana to sit next to him, and I was the lucky one who found herself seated at Tina's right. I sincerely hoped I didn't kill her before the main course arrived, because then Ramirez would have another case to investigate. Unfortunately, I was in no position to call her out to Rupert, because she could do the same to us.

"It was great luck that Ms. Partridge happened to stop by to see me this morning," Blick went on as we all sat. "Your agent is positively charming, Dana. I told her that I was planning to invite you to lunch today, and it just so happened that she was free as well."

"How fortunate." Dana narrowed her eyes.

Tina stuffed another bite of breadstick into her mouth and talked around it. "Funny, that's just what I said."

The server arrived with a bottle of white wine. He poured some into a glass for Rupert, who took a small sip and then nodded his approval. The waiter then proceeded to pour glasses for all of us.

"I've taken the liberty of ordering for everyone," Rupert said and addressed the waiter. "Avocado salad, leek soup, and seared scallops. Does that sound all right?"

"Perfect." I took a sip of my wine. It was crisp, light, and delicious. If it weren't for the company, I might have enjoyed the meal immensely.

Blick turned to Dana. "So, as I was telling your agent, here, I got a message about your issue on the set of Charlotte's Angels."

"Yes," Dana said slowly. "My issue."

"Don't worry," Tina jumped in. "I already told him all about it."


"You did?" Dana said uncertainly, eyes bouncing from Blick to Tina.

"Aw, what are agents for, hon?" Tina downed her glass of wine and promptly poured another.

"Of course, we will take care of it as soon as possible," Blick assured Dana. "We certainly don't want to compromise any of our talent. And, uh, we don't want this to get out publicly either. The tabloids can blow these sorts of things out of proportion."

Dana frowned, eyes going to Tina again. "Yes, they certainly can."

If Tina noted the dig, she ignored it, swirling wine in her glass.

Our salads arrived, and Rupert dug into his as if he hadn't eaten in a week. "So, Ms. Dashel, can you describe the man to me?"

"The man?" Dana looked at him blankly.

"Your stalker." Rupert chewed. "Tina was telling me all about him. I'm unclear how he's getting onto the set."

Dana looked puzzled and exchanged a sideways glance with me. "He's—kind of nondescript," she said.

"Has he said anything to you?" Rupert asked. "Made any inappropriate advances?"

"Uh…kind of?" Dana said.

Tina just grinned, looking like she loved having the upper hand.

"What about his name?" Rupert asked. "Has he identified himself at all?"

Dana glanced across the table at Tina. "Felix," she blurted out.

I snorted wine.

Tina looked like she'd swallowed a bug.

"Felix?" Blick said, nodding.

"Yes, Felix Dunn. He's, uh, slim. Kinda always looks like he just rolled out of bed. Wrinkled clothes, messy hair. British accent."

Blick nodded. "Mm-hmm. Okay, good. I'll be sure to give that name and description to our security office."

"They should be sure not to let him on the lot," Dana finished. Her turn to send a triumphant grin Tina's way.

"Oh, trust me, we're tightening security at all the gates," Blick assured her. "Between you and me, two women talked their way onto the lot yesterday, claiming to be from People magazine." He shook his head in disbelief. "Turns out the names they gave our guard were phony. People has never heard of them."

"Any idea who they really were?" I asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

Luckily, Blick shook his head. "No. Apparently they just came and went. But they could have been any sort of criminals."

Tina avoided eye contact with me. "You never know these days," she said and poured herself some more wine.

"I don't suppose the guard got a good look at them?" I asked, trying to keep the concern out of my voice.

Blick shook his head. "Not really. Young, female. He said one of them mentioned interviewing Brad Pitt, but that was all he really remembered." He picked up the breadbasket and discovered it was empty. He snapped his fingers at the waiter, who immediately hurried over to refill it. "Anyway, we'll be triple checking any credentials at the gates from now on."

"I imagine you have to be careful after what happened to Doggy Z," Tina said, clearly pushing for an opening.

Blick paused with his wineglass halfway to his mouth. "I see you Copyright 2016 - 2024