Jameson (In the Company of Snipers #22) - Irish Winters Page 0,70

offer. Mel had no business being here, acting like he belonged inside the Stewart family that Alex had built. He didn’t. Never would. End of that fucked-up story.

And now Alex was cursing, not out loud, but still… Eager to make amends to his wife through his daughter, he turned his nose into Lexie’s soft, sweet cheek and told his wife, “You never need to explain where the baby monitor is, sweetheart. You’re Bradley’s mom, the best mother in the world. But you need to be in bed.” Then to Lexie he asked, “Want to go see your baby brother? Maybe put Mommy to bed with him?”

“Shhhhh, Daddy. He’s sleeping,” Lexie reminded him like a big sister would. “Baby boys need lots of sleep because they’ve got lots of growing up to do, but someday, Bradley’s gonna be just like you.”

“And me,” Mel piped up.

Alex rolled his eyes, annoyed that Mel would butt into a private conversation between a father, who actually worshipped his children, and his only living daughter.

“Yes, I’ll go with you two,” Kelsey interrupted quickly. “Mel, please, help yourself to anything you want. Libby left an entire turkey dinner in the refrigerator. The microwave’s over there. Warm up a plate. I’ll be right back.”

The bastard had the nerve to grin at Alex like he was the king of this house and Alex was just a lackey.

“Don’t get too comfortable,” he warned the cocky old fart at his table. Because I’ll be back too, and then you and me are going for a one-way ride…

Briskly, Kelsey led Alex down the hall, past the saferoom where Lexie’s toys lay strewn on the carpet. “Sweetheart, I thought I asked you to pick up your playroom?” Kelsey’s brows lifted.

Alex set Lexie to her feet. She was a strong-willed little girl. She could handle whatever her mom was going to dish out. But when her pink cherub lips pinched into the cutest damned pout, Alex had to look away before he smiled or worse, laughed out loud. Her terrible twos had never manifested, but her fearsome threes were making up for that lost childhood phase.

“Uh uh, Mama,” she said quite clearly as she crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t want to, and you can’t make me.”

“Are you sassing me?” Kelsey asked.

Alex wished Mel wasn’t sitting back there with his feet up and listening. Probably laughing his ass off.

Lexie whined, “But I wanna go see Bradley with Daddy, and then I’ll do my chores after I give him another kiss. Pleeeease?”

“No, sweetheart. You’ve had enough chances, but each time, you’ve ignored me. Please go sit in the time-out corner while me and Daddy have a talk.” Chores and discipline were a hard rule with Kelsey. She was sure children were ruined if raised without structure and love. Real love, the hard kind, not the soft kind that turned children into demanding, entitled monsters who thought they deserved participation trophies for showing up.

“Mommy, no!” Alex’s pride and joy stomped her little foot. “I promise I’ll do my chores, but only after I get to kiss Baby Bradley again!”

The battle lines were drawn. Alex kept his mouth shut.

Kelsey cocked her head, pointing to the little navy-blue chair in the far corner of the high-tech safe room Alex had built for his family, which Lexie believed was her playroom. “Now, young lady,” she said firmly and without a tinge of anger. “You know the rules.”

“Awww…” Lexie cried, real tears this time, the little scoundrel. “Fine then, Mama. I’m going to pick up my toys.”

“You’re too late, sweetheart. I should only have to ask you once to be a good girl. Time-out. Move it.” Again, Kelsey pointed to the corner.

With attitude, Lexie marched to the chair that was just her size, picked it up, and tossed it across the room at her mother. “I don’t wanna follow no rules no more!”

There it was, Lexie’s last full measure.

“Who do you think you are, young lady?” Kelsey asked quietly, as immoveable as the Rock of Gibraltar. That was the thing about her. She never raised her voice to her daughter, yet she never gave in, either.

For some reason that innocuous question floored Lexie. Her mouth dropped open. She came to a full stop where she stood. Those flashing eyes of hers scanned first Kelsey, then Alex. She blinked like she didn’t know what just happened. Her entire countenance changed from naughty to incredibly sad. Her bottom lip quivered. With real anguish this time, she cried, “I Lexie, Mama.

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