Jameson (In the Company of Snipers #22) - Irish Winters Page 0,51


“Oh, yes, I can,” he whispered as one big, manly, wet hand smoothed over her bare shoulder. His other was behind her, his fingers splayed against her bare back. “Where’s your shirt, babe?”

“Somewhere downstairs,” she whispered. “You said take it off, but then I lost it, and I had to cut up my bra to save Mr. Vlad, and I don’t know where my guns are, either. Dad was right. I’m such a loser.” Her eyes welled with bitter tears.

“No, Maddie. Your dad was dead damned wrong,” Jameson breathed. His deep voice had dropped an octave into bedroom range. “You’re strong and smart. And you’re beautiful.”

“No, I’m not. I’m noth—”

“Shush. Who knows better, me or your dad?”

Was that a trick question? “Y-y-you…?”

“Right again. Let me tell you what I know about you that your old man doesn’t and never will. You’re four feet, eleven inches tall and maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet. Long silky hair. Still don’t know the color of it, but I’m working on that. More importantly, you’re braver than any woman I’ve ever met. You’re resourceful. You know how to think for yourself.”

“Blonde. I’m blonde, and I’m half-naked.”

“Oh, yes you are,” he rumbled with something akin to delight in his tone. “What color are your eyes?”

“L-light b-b-blue.”

“God, you’re perfect,” he moaned.

Darn, this was embarrassing. He knew she was bare to him, yet he couldn’t see her. Any of her. How pitiful was that? To look more womanly, she needed her padded bra. But it was gone, and Jameson was still here, but he couldn’t see, so what did it matter? Yet it did, damn it. She wanted Jameson to really look at her with his eyes, the way he seemed able to see her with his ears.

But he was smiling. “You’re so damned beautiful, Maddie,” he breathed.

By then, he’d leaned farther into her face. She could smell his breath and their combined sweaty, tear-gassed bodies. Okay, maybe seeing wasn’t believing after all. The air around them went still. She could hear how ragged his breathing had turned. His heart was probably pounding as hard as hers was, too. The intensity etched on his face was almost feral. Good grief, she wanted him.

Blinking furiously through watery eyes, Maddie saw it coming. Wanted it with every beat of her quivering, timid body. Like a man on a mission, Jameson closed the distance between them. One big, warm, wonderfully damp hand settled completely over her breast. All of it. Possessing it. Loving her. And she was lost in the most sublime sensation of her life.

His thumb rubbed her nipple, hardening the bud and sending sparks straight to her quivering core. His other hand was holding the back of her head, cupping her gently when—it happened. He covered her mouth with the most delicious kiss.

Her body ignited, and Maddie lost control. Both her hands cupped his jaw, holding him tight and right where she wanted him to stay for a long time. Slanting her head, she opened her mouth wider, needing this connection, this very affirmative man in her arms, so damned much. Her body seemed to have a will of its own, bucking into his. All her life she’d been nothing, but then Jameson came along and, wham. She’d become visible, and she really was strong, and she knew what she wanted, and it was him. She was starving. Every last fiber in her body and every bit of her soul was so darned hungry.

Too quickly, he growled, tipped back on his haunches, and broke the steamy connection. He was wiping his face, but licking his lips, too. “We will definitely continue this conversation later,” he muttered huskily while he shrugged out of his wrinkled jacket. “Here. Cover up.”

For whatever reason, those words didn’t crush her like they would’ve if they’d come from her dad or her ex. Maddie wiggled into the luscious scents Jameson had left behind in his jacket. The warmth. Her favorite scent of over-heated masculine spice.

“You’re shivering.” The worry in his tone was so tender and precious that she wanted to cry.

“I think because I’m… I’m happy,” she whispered. “And now I’m wrapped up inside of you, and I… I…” I don’t know how to tell you the boost in confidence you’ve just given me.

“I didn’t know you weren’t wearing your bra. Honest.” His cheeks ballooned as he blew out a ragged breath. “Or I never would’ve told you to take your shirt off.”

Maddie shrugged. “It’s okay. No one could see me through all that

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